“Did you tell him about the funeral?” Nathan asked me, his eyes roaming my face in confusion. Slowly, I shook my head no, feeling far too dazed with everything happening to speak up.

Hannah was already back in the sheriff’s car; I could see her looking back at us. Now more than ever, I was sure that I needed to talk to her soon. I wouldn’t miss that opportunity, not now that I had it.

I swallowed as the car took off. She was gone again.

I felt…lost. It was a never-ending nightmare.

Derek approached us, and Nathan took my hand in his. It was a sign of possession and distrust. Any other time, I would have been irritated, but in that moment, I didn’t care.

Everyone wanted to tell me how sorry they were for my loss, and all I wanted to do was leave. I wanted to be anywhere but at my mother’s grave.

“I’m not sure what you’re doing here,” I heard Nathan say. My head snapped up at his harsh tone directed towards Derek.

“Just came to offer my condolences,” Derek said. His lips tilted down ever so slightly, as if he felt hurt too.

“How did you know?” I asked him, my voice barely even there.

“Word gets around, especially when it comes to the Carsons.”

Nathan scoffed, clearly not liking his response.

“Listen,” Derek said, this time directed to Nathan, “I don’t mean any harm at all. I heard the news, and I just wanted to be here, let Evelyn know that if she needs something, I’m here to offer help.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

Derek nodded with a small smile. An awkward silence surrounded us, soon broken by Nathan’s voice as he excused himself.

Derek chuckled. ”It’s good that he’s protective of you.”

“He doesn’t trust you.”

“Do you?”

I looked at the man before me. He had traitor written all over his face; something told me so. Yet his warm gaze said otherwise. I’d find out one day. I knew I would. It was just a matter of time.

“I do.”

His forehead creased in surprise. “Why?”

“Call it naivety.” I cleared my throat, turning to the place where the sheriff’s car had been parked just minutes before. “Did you see my sister?”

Something about the aura surrounding him became darker and even angry. “I did.”

“Did you hear her?”

Nodding, he replied, “Yeah.”

“She’s changed.”

He wanted to say many things to my simple statement but held back, as if he didn’t know how to explain what was on his mind.

Though he hesitated, he surrounded me with his arms, embracing me like he’d known me for a long time.

It was strange at first. Very, very strange.

I stilled, unsure of what to do, unsure whether to return the hug. But my eyes soon closed, and my arms surrounded him on their own accord.

“I’m very, very sorry,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “But you’ll be okay.”