For the past two nights, I’ve FaceTimed Ellie during my shower so she can watch me jerk off as she touches herself. Listening to her moaning my name as she gets herself off is the most erotic thing I’ve done outside of actual sex.
The intimacy of it, guiding her through her own pleasure, and letting her watch me come undone is something I’ve never experienced.
It’s made our connection even deeper.
“No Ellie today?” Wilder asks when I walk into The Lodge for lunch.
“She had a pre-scheduled press interview with some local newspaper and then a doctor’s appointment with a new neurologist. Don’t worry, she’ll be back to give you shit tomorrow.”
Over the past couple weeks of Ellie coming here almost every day, she’s really gotten close with the rest of the family. She teases and jokes with them, spends hours with my mom and grandma, and has even gotten close to a couple of the other girls who train here. Before, she was so closed off and kept to herself. She rarely talked to anyone besides Noah.
Although I’ve always liked Ellie for who she is, I can’t deny liking this side of her, too. Whatever part of her memory that got blocked must’ve been traumatic enough to make her as guarded as she was. I wish I could figure it out, at least for my own curiosity, but also because I want to know and understand all of her.
“Speaking of…here comes Magnolia and Noah,” Wilder says.
I grab a plate and head to the buffet since I don’t have a ton of time to eat today. With how many new mares we have coming in, I have to make sure they get enough time with the stallions.
“I hear the big date is this weekend,” Magnolia singsongs when she stands next to me.
“It is.”
“What’re y’all doing?” She starts loading up her plate, and I eye it suspiciously at how much she’s taking.
“Are you eatin’ for two?”
She elbows me, scowling. “You never ask a woman that, dumbass.”
Chuckling, I walk down to the dessert table and grab a piece of peach pie.
“Did you just say that to get outta answerin’ my question?” She appears next to me again like a shadow.
“Yes, now go away.”
“What? You were all up in my business when I was datin’ Tripp. It’s my turn now. I earned it as bestie status.”
“You forced me into your business,” I remind her. “I wasn’t even allowed to text his real name because you made me use his code name.”
“Yeah, and you still managed to fuck it up and tell him.”
Laughing, I take a seat next to Wilder and dig into my fried chicken.
“You mean, I’m the reason y’all finally got together. You’re welcome.”
She sits across from me and Noah catches up, sitting next to her.
“Whatever you do, don’t take her for dinner and a movie,” Noah says. “That’s lame and boring.”
“What’s wrong with a nice dinner and going to the theater?” Wilder asks. “I thought chicks liked that.”
Magnolia snorts. “You’re so clueless, I dunno how you ever get laid.”
“Got laid last weekend, thank you very much. Didn’t have to take her to dinnerora movie…” He gloats like it’s something to be proud of.
Noah grimaces. “When are you gonna grow up and settle down?”
Wilder shrugs. “I dunno.”