“Wouldn’t you like that, huh? Doubt they’d find anything, though. It only acts up when I’m ’round you.”

I snort but not in a ha-ha kind of way. More in disbelief that he’s not getting the hint that I cannot stand him. “Does that pick-up line usually work?”

He’s silent for a few beats before finally exhaling a long breath. “It wasn’t aline, Little Devil.”

That’s the second time this week he’s called me that, and I haven’t dared to ask him why. I probably didn’t help my case by calling him the son of Satan, butIwas being serious. He calls meLittle Devillike it’s a cute pet name.

He raises my arm and then shifts it back and forth. “You should start doing daily stretches to help with this clicking. You need to strengthen it so you’re not tempted to lower it.”

“Noah already has me joggin’ three miles every day. I’m sure it’ll get stronger in time.”

“I’ll get you a shoulder brace to wear during practice runs and print out some exercises for you to do at home. The more you work on it now, the better it’ll be for when you race.”

Instead of arguing, I stay quiet. His offer is quite sweet, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I admit that out loud. He’s only doing his job and as long as it helps me in the long run, I won’t fight him on it.

He continues feeling around my back and arm, but the longer he stays silent, the more I forget how much I hate him.

“Are you almost done?” I finally ask.

He releases me, but then gives it a little squeeze. “Most women don’t complain about me touchin’ them. In fact”—he leans down until his breath whispers along my neck—“they beg me not to stop.”

Turning around, I’m faced with his cocky smirk. “And I suspect those women regret pickin’ convenience over personality.”

He tries to hide his reaction by scrubbing a hand along his scruffy jawline as if he’s contemplating how to handle me.

Good. The sooner he realizes I’m not here to entertain his ego, the better for both of us.

He licks his lips. “If you keep being mean to me, I’m gonna end up fallin’ in love with you.”

I wrinkle my nose at the unexpected comment. “Is that what you’re into? Women degrading you?”

“So far, only when it comes from you. I’m startin’ to think you feel it, too.”

My nostrils flare at the unwanted flirting.He’s fucking delusional.

“You’re insufferable and the only thing I’ll ever feel for you ishatred. If you think that’s me flirtin’ with you, you need to get your head checked. Maybe you have a leak. Would explain the lack of oxygen gettin’ in there.”

He smacks a hand over his heart. “Careful. The more you say you don’t like me, the harder I’m gonna fall.” His lips curve into the cockiest smirk I’ve ever seen. “Wanna fall with me?”

Crossing my arms, I match his grin. “I’d ratherfallout of a plane without a parachute.”

“I see you two are still gettin’ along nicely…” Noah singsongs as she makes her way over toward us. “Am I too late? Has the first punch been thrown?”

“She’s the one using me as a verbal punchin’ bag,” Landen says, shifting his gaze from Noah to me. “But nothin’ I can’t handle.”

“Great!” Noah smiles, her eyes beaming. “Then you won’t mind me cuttin’ in for the last ten minutes of practice and seeing how y’all did?”

“By all means.” Landen waves out his hand, a knowing expression on his face. “Go ahead, Little Devil.”

I wrinkle my nose at the annoying nickname but don’t want to argue in front of Noah. My respect for her trumps my anger for her brother, so without a word, I grab Ranger and settle into the saddle.

Landen grabs his timer and while Ranger trots down the makeshift alleyway, I feel his eyes burning into me. I have no idea why he’s so hell-bent on flirting with me, but it seems nothing I say will get him to realize that I’m not just playing hard to get.

I wouldn’t think twice about running him over with my horse trailer if I knew I wouldn’t get caught.

With his de-lulu brain, he’d probably think me trying to murder him was foreplay.

“Alright, Ranger. Let’s show Noah what we’ve got.” I click my tongue and then give him a little kick.