“Who said I?—”
“She’s focused on her career and too driven to succeed to be sidetracked. She’s not lookin’ for a fling to distract her from that goal. Also, she’s six years younger than you, barely outta high school. So keep it in your pants.”
“I’ll have you know, it’s very much in my pants.”
“Good, keep it that way.” Then she glances down at my shirt again. “Go change. You look ridiculous.”
She marches off before I can ask why she’s giving me the third degree, but if I know my sister as well as I think I do, she assumes I’m after every pretty woman I come across.
Joke’s on her, though, because Ellie’s made it crystal clear she’d rather run me over with her horse than have me anywhere near her.
But I just can’t figure out why.
Chapter Three
“Ifeel like we got off on the wrong foot and for the sake of professionalism and helpin’ you train, let’s start over.”
My back goes ramrod straight at the deep, recognizable voice behind me.
I hoped I wouldn’t see him today and even hid in the grooming stall with Ranger. But this proves that luck hasn’t always been on my side.
Reluctantly, I turn around and am faced with his stupidly handsome face and smug expression. It’s no secret he’s attractive, in an obvious charming kind of way, but my body and heart feel nothing for him except anger.
As soon as he catches me lowering my gaze down his muscular body, the corner of his lips curve into a satisfied grin. Then he proceeds to hold out his hand and without waiting for me to take it, continues, “Hi, I’m Landen Hollis. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I deny his pleasantries and curl my arms behind my back. “You’re at least dressed normally today.”
He glances down at his scoffed-up work boots, dirty jeans, and gray T-shirt with the family’s ranch logo on it. “You caughtme on a rough mornin’ the other day. Wasn’t my best first impression, I’ll give ya that.”
I didn’t need to meet Landen in person to know I didn’t like him.
I’ve spent the past seven years of my life loathing his very existence.
And secretly wishing karma would come for him sooner rather than later.
“Like I said before, I’m here to train. We don’t need to be friendly about it.”
He tilts his head like a confused puppy and the thought of that image nearly has me bubbling with laughter. But then he’d think I like him and his ego is already suffocating me, so I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself.
He narrows his eyes. “Why can’t we be friends?”
“I don’t see the point.”
“Acquaintances?” he asks, arching a brow.
The wrinkle between his brows grows deeper as if he can’t fathom why any woman would argue about being in his presence. “Because we’re gonna see a lot of each other. I’m not just workin’ with Ranger’s technique, I’ll be critiquing yours, too. I’m usually on friendly terms with the rider I’m trainin’ and prefer to get to know them a little bit beforehand. It helps us form a level of trust.”
“Well, if that’s what you need to do your job correctly, then I suppose you’re not that great at it in the first place.”
He jerks back as if I smacked him across the face. “You are…” He shakes his head as if to erase the words he wants to say aloud. “Gonna be a challenge, ain’t ya?”
“Not everything in your life can be easy, can it?” With a conniving smirk, I spin back around and continue brushing Ranger.
Before walking away, I swear he curses under his breath, and I smile to myself.