“If I'd known that was all it took to get your attention, I woulda walked around half-naked years ago.”

“Must be why it works on me. I never had the chance to get immune to it before I lost my memory.”

He jumps down from the tailgate and then turns around so his back is facing me. “Giddy up.”

I furrow my brows, laughing. “Giddy up where?”

Patting his shoulder, he says, “I'm carrying you, remember?”

“You were serious about that?”

“There's no sandy beach area, so it's all hard rocks and mud.”

“Oh, shoulda told me that in the first place.” I wrap my arms around his neck, and when my legs are secure, I hold on.

“Don't just drop me in there,” I warn him. “I'm not the best swimmer.”

“Don't worry, I'm a certified lifeguard. I won't let you outta my sight.”

For some reason that triggers something.

“Wait, I knew that! Have you told me that before?”

“Before your accident, yeah.”

“Do you think that means I'm gettin' my memory back?”

“I dunno, maybe. Do you hate me yet?” His amused tone makes me laugh.


Not even close.

“Then I guess we're still in the clear.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Icould survive on hearing Ellie's laugh for the rest of my life and never need anything else.

As I hold her in my arms in the middle of the lake it feels like a dream come true.

And one I'm feeling guilty about more and more as I steal these moments with her I'd never get previously.

How is it after four years I've never heard her laugh as much as she has in the past few weeks and now I'm completely addicted.

I need it to breathe.

But as more of her memories start to resurface, I'm afraid it's going to get ripped away from me at any moment.

It’s why I didn’t share the full story about Tucker and Talia, and my ex-girlfriend being the one responsible for their deaths. I don’t want her to feel sorry or take pity on me and then later resent me for it when she remembers.

“Tell me a secret,” she says as we settle into the water together. Long gone is her concern about messing up her hair as it floats around her.

“Hmm…okay. I wanna buy a few acres in this area and build my dream house for my family someday.”

“That's precious. What kind of house?”