He chuckles. “But first, we're gonna have dinner.”
He opens the tailgate and reveals the cutest little surprise.
An air mattress covered in blankets with a large wooden serving tray sits on top of it. Two wine glasses, plates, and two sets of silverware. And then a vase of roses in the middle.
Next to it is a picnic basket.
“This is so freakin' cute and thoughtful. I can't believe you do this.”
Lifting my hand, he presses a kiss to my knuckles. “I wanted it to be special. We only get to experience our first date once.”
“Unless you're me and could forget in a day or two. Then you'll have to take me out on another first date.”
He pokes me in the side, and I squeal. “No tickling!”
Once he helps me up into the bed and shows me what we're having, I settle comfortably between his legs, eat the little sandwiches he made, and drink the Pinot Grigio.
“This is seriously perfect,” I say, staring out into the water. “It's so peaceful out here.”
“I sprinkled some of his ashes out here. At the track, too.”
“Tucker's,” he confirms. “His mom let me have some.”
“How'd he die, if you don't mind me asking?”
“Um…” He scrubs a palm over his face, and I worry I've made him uncomfortable.
“You don't?—”
“No, it's okay. I don't mind talkin' about him. He lost his high school girlfriend and a couple years later, he jumped off a bridge.”
“Oh my God.”
“His girlfriend drowned and so we speculate he wanted to go the same way she did. Even though he very much knew how to swim.”
Squeezing his hand, I pull it up to my chest and hold him tighter against me.
“We had plans to meet up to spread her ashes, but he took them with him when he jumped.”
“I dunno what to say besides how sorry I am you had to go through that. Sounds like you two were close.”
“He was like a brother to me. We rode our bikes almost every weekend. Went lookin' for trouble anywhere we could. Swam in this lake all summer. During spring break in high school, we'dgo up to my cousin's and spend a week in one of their luxury cabins.”
“At least you have some good memories, right?” I say softly.
“Yeah, most of ‘em are good.” His lips press against my cheek. “You ready to go in?”
I'm somewhat surprised he'd still want to swim in the lake that reminds him so much of Tucker. But maybe it's healing for him, so I nod and let him pull me up. “Let's do it.”
He yanks off his shirt, and once again, I'm drooling at the sight of him.
“My eyes are up here, ma'am.”
“Yes, but your abs are down here.”