About what?

Before I have the chance to ask, she walks away.

“That was…weird,” I mutter.

Gramma Grace pats my shoulder. “Don't worry about it, dear. Those journalists can be vultures and if you don't put your foot down, they'll continue to be relentless.”

“Yeah, I've definitely experienced that, but this didn't sound like it was rodeo related.”

“Maybe not, but you're still well-known enough for them to take advantage of your time and name to get buzz on whatever piece they're workin' on,” Gramma Grace says, and I nod because she's right.

“Thank you for chiming in. I always have to be careful how I react or they'll write how I'm a rude and ungrateful bitch or something…”

Ask me how I know.

“Of course, honey.” She wraps an arm around me. “You're one of us now.”

My heart swells at her overwhelming kindness. I never used to get too close to people, so I'm not sure how to respond besides with athank youand a smile.

Landen: How's it going at the market?

My smile widens when I read his text. He's working for a few hours this morning before we meet up later this afternoon. I know he's taken ourfirst dateseriously since the first mention of it, I don't care what we do as long as I'm spending time with him.

Ellie: Good! We're about to start packing up. And how're things going there?

Landen: Waylon and Tripp fell into a massive mudhole. Never laughed so hard in my life.

Ellie: Are they okay?

He sends me a picture of the two of them covered head to toe. I bring a hand over my mouth to cover the laugh that bubbles out of me. They look pissed.

Ellie: Oh my God…

Landen: Wilder nearly choked to death laughing so hard.

Ellie: How'd that even happen?

Landen: With the storms the past couple nights, one of the pastures flooded and the mud surfaced. Waylon slipped first and took Tripp down with him. Wilder and I were walking behind and watched the whole thing. It was like they fell in slow-mo, arms flailing, feet up in the air kinda fall. Wish I'd gotten it on video.

Ellie: That's mean!

Landen: Oh trust me, they'd say the same thing if it had been me!

Ellie: Well as long as they're okay. I'm sure that didn't feel great.

Landen: Waylon said he broke his butt. Pretty sure he just bruised his tailbone but he's a big baby. Tripp's more annoyed at Waylon for taking him down with him.

Ellie: Be careful out there. I'd hate for you to have to cancel our date before we even got a chance to go on one…

Landen: Oh you underestimate me, sweetheart. I'd show up in a full-body cast, every bone in my body broken with amputated limbs before I canceled our date. Nothing could get in the way of being with you tonight.

I re-read his text half a dozen times, my face feeling hotter after each time, and goose bumps covering my skin in eighty-degree weather.

Jesus. This man.

Ellie: I don't know if this was your intention but that just got you a million bonus points.

Landen: Considering I used to be negative a billion, I'll take it.