Page 7 of Obsessive Cravings

I turned into the back lot, my guys pulling in behind me just as I exited the car. In my younger days, I would have let them drive me everywhere, but now I drove myself, a statement of how secure I was in my position of power. Rarely did I let them drive me now. Giving them a nod, I made my way to the rear of the jewelry shop.

“Boss,” Den said, greeting me immediately. “You checking up on me?”

“I have to keep you on your toes, Den.” I rolled my neck as I walked down the stairs, nodding to Frank as he moved aside.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re bored,” Den observed from behind me.

I stopped and turned slowly to him. Any other man would have stepped away in fear, but Den had been by my side since the beginning and nothing frightened him, not even me. He stared me down, arms crossed over his broad chest.

“But I know better, although I have to say, Greyson, I haven’t seen you this rattled in a long time.”

I sneered, seeing Frank step back from my periphery.

“Nothing rattles me, Den. You should know that.”

“I do, which is why you’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on.”

I glanced at Frank and turned my back on Den, walking into the shop. Most of my investments were in real estate but I divested some of my money in side projects, including the bars in the city and a few underground gambling facilities. Frank ran the money from the gambling tables through the jewelry store, which was a front. Cash lined the tables in bundles, a few of the guys bundling it before it would go to the next stop.

I headed into the small office in the back and slammed the door once Den was through. Grabbing him by the collar, I threw him against the wall, the fake wood paneling shaking with the impact.

“Never call me out in front of the men again, Den.”

He smirked, and I let go of his collar, flexing my arms and feeling the muscles press against my button-down dress shirt.

“Fuck, you are stressed. Is it the girl?”

“She’s not a girl,” I hissed, hating the sound.

“The woman, then?” he corrected with a laugh.

“Fuck off.”

“Shit, I haven’t seen you this affected by a woman in…damn, never.”

I glared at him, not caring to talk about the obsessive cravings I was having for Riley Brinks.

“You said you were playing with her, boss. Not anything more. Ruin her and send her back to Brinks in a body bag.”

The thought nearly destroyed me, and I gripped my fists. His eyes flickered downward, noting my tension.

“Fuck. Don’t tell me you’re falling for her, Greyson. That’s bad.”

“I’m not falling for her,” I said, running my hands through my hair.

“She’s the enemy’s sister. The perfect target. Or are you forgetting your own words when you gave her even more incentive to move here?”

“I’m not forgetting. There are just…complications.”

“Like what? How you decorated her apartment? Gave her that nice window office after kicking her colleague to another office? Destroy and return. That’s the goal. Taking down Brinks so he never thinks about fucking with you again.”

“I know that.”

“Do you?”

Rolling my neck, I clenched my jaw, smoothing my hand down my shirt and ensuring it no longer showed the wrinkled evidence of my loss of control. “Of course I do. Stop badgering me like you’re in charge. I’m the one in charge. This is my show, not yours.”

“Good. I told you when we started out in this business, I don’t want to be in charge. I’m along for the ride.” He moved aside so I could leave the office but put his hand on the door as I reached for the doorknob. “I’ve known you a long time, boss. This woman has you out of sorts.”