I worked his shirt free, pushing it from him and saying, “Fuck you, Mr. Tides.”
He chuckled, and I knew then that the formalities would be part of our fun. There was something about the way he said my full name that reached in and owned me. And I wanted to be owned by Greyson Tides. No one else would ever own me the way he now did.
I fumbled with his pants, my hands hastily undoing them because I was craving him so desperately. As they tumbled to the floor, Greyson pulled me to him, sinking into me with a groan that lit every part of me on fire. He took me there, his touches needy as if being from me had left him hungry and I had to satisfy that hunger. He drew another climax from me, my body breaking in his arms as he continued to thrust into me, only then giving into his own rising release. As he came, he held me tight, his muscles shaking, his head dropping to the dip in my shoulder until his body relaxed.
Only when I lifted his head, forcing his eyes to mine, did he move. I traced his lips, wondering how this man had charmed his way into my heart and why I had let him.
“Don’t hurt me, Greyson,” I whispered. “Please, don’t hurt me.” It was a plea that came from the deepest recesses of my soul, because after what Clint had done to me, I’d promised I wouldn’t let another man near my heart. He’d damaged it and used me, leaving me broken. He’d never loved me, and I had fallen for him, opening my heart to him and letting him in.
Greyson took my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Never.”
He’d spoken the word with certainty and assuredness, and it worked its way into my soul, weaving through it and fortifying it. I searched his eyes, looking for any doubt but finding only clarity.
“I told you, Riley. You’re mine. I won’t hesitate to kill anyone who attempts to touch you.”
Tipping my head, I wondered at his words. They were the same he’d said in his office. Kill was a strong word. One that gave me pause.
“Why do you have a key to my apartment, Greyson?”
He lifted me, lowering my feet to the floor before kissing me again. I couldn’t help leaning into that kiss, my fingers running through his damp hair.
“Because I own this building, Riley. Because I wanted to spoil you and I wanted to play with you.”
“You own this building?” I asked, ignoring the unease the last part of his statement brought me.
“Yes.” He nipped at my lip and released me. I watched as he put his pants on, taking in the body I’d been unable to see in the dark. He was fit, the muscles defined in his chest and his legs. I knew he was older than me; I could tell by the gray around his temples and the hard lines that creased the corners of his eyes, the assured maturity with which he carried himself. But he looked fitter and sexier than most men my age.
He peeked up at me as he fixed his belt, raising his brow and giving me a cocky grin. The heat rose in my cheeks, and Greyson chuckled before his eyes perused my body the same way I’d just done to him. There was no bashfulness with the way his eyes devoured me, and my insides grew warm.
“Go clean up like a good girl before your coffee gets cold.”
I stared at him, knowing my mouth had dropped. “You’re not blaming cold coffee on me.”
“I will if it gets cold.” He crossed his arms, and I walked over to him, pressing my body into his, enjoying the warmth and solidness of him. I wrapped my hand around his neck and brought his mouth to mine, losing myself in his kiss once more before I walked away, feeling his eyes on my ass.
After a quick shower, I brazenly walked nude across my apartment hearing Greyson grumble about fucking me again if I didn’t stop tempting him. I eyed him, considering the threat and thinking it wasn’t one I cared to worry about. The way my belly flipped every time I thought about him inside of me, I could have let him fuck me all day.
Once I dressed, I sat at the table across from him, fingering the delicate bracelet he’d left me before I knew he was my stranger. “You know, breaking into an apartment and taking advantage of me could have gone very wrong.”
“Maybe, but I didn’t take advantage of you, Riley. If I recall, I got you off with my tongue that night after you gave me permission.”
I clenched my legs, remembering the strange mix of fear, excitement, and satisfaction I’d experienced.
He looked down at his coffee, his expression softening as if he’d thought of something. “If I had to do it over again, I would have done it differently.” He glanced up with that unguarded vulnerability before he looked away, setting his gaze out my window.
“It definitely left an impression,” I muttered. “And…I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.”
He turned back to me, his eyes lighting. There were dimensions to Greyson Tides. Ones I didn’t think he let show often, hiding himself under the serious exterior.
“What are we, Greyson? Am I just a game to you? Something for you to conquer before you move on to your next challenge?”
His expression hardened, and I realized I’d said the wrong thing. This was more to him, and my breath caught. He stood, resting his hands on either side of my chair and hovering over me. This was the side of Greyson Tides that left people saying his name in whispers, the powerful man who owned Bridgeville, the intense millionaire people feared and respected.
“What do you want us to be, Miss Brinks? Do you want me to leave? To make this a one-night stand and never come to your bed again? Never have you in my bed?”
My lungs burned with the breath that was still stuck in my chest. The thought of not having his touch again was like not having air to breathe.
“No,” I mumbled, finding it hard to speak. His blue eyes were penetrating as he waited for me to say more. “I want to be yours.” And I did. The fear of him walking out and not returning left me aching, and I knew then that I needed him. No matter how twisted this had started, I wanted to belong to him.