Page 23 of Obsessive Cravings

When it was too late to ignore it any longer, I picked up the blindfold, running my hands along the smooth material before removing my clothes and crawling into bed. Curling under the blankets, I took a deep breath and tied it around my eyes like I had the first time. As my stomach clenched with nerves, I laid down and waited, the anticipation building with each passing minute. But nothing happened. The door didn’t open, no one emerged from the closet, and eventually, I grew too tired to avoid sleep’s call.

The touch of hands startled me awake as my wrists dug painfully into the scarves now tied to my headboard. I let out a small cry. He was back, and I trembled with anticipation.

“No screaming, baby girl, unless you’re coming.” His words tore a moan from me, his voice low and muffled, but no less sexy.

His hand skirted along my body, the comforter no longer covering my nudity. My stomach quivered, my knee drawing up when his thumb slipped through my arousal. The hitch of my breath caused him to chuckle against my stomach, a reaction that seemed like a comfortable one shared between two lovers rather than what we were.

“My safe word and rules are still in force,” I mumbled through my moan.

“Of course they are,” he said, his mouth on my calf, making his voice hard to distinguish.

I relaxed, his fingers plunging into me at the same moment. My back arched with the sensations that gripped me. He’d left my legs free this time, and I drew my knee higher.

As he moved up my body, his stubble tickled my stomach and his hardness pressed into me. I avoided pushing into it like I wanted to. He had hovered over me the first night, but now it was firm against me and ready for me to yield. But I wasn’t ready to cross that line, and Greyson Tides’ words hummed through my head. I was his and no one would touch me. Yet, this man was touching me. He was sucking on my breast, ripping a cry from me as he rubbed my other nipple between his fingers. He flicked his tongue over my nipple then dragged his hands down my body, which quivered at his touch. That touch was firm but gentle and so different from what I was used to that I melted into it just as I had the first time. Every inch of me was on fire, his touch bringing me closer to breaking with every passing second. He dragged his mouth over my stomach, then between my legs until his tongue was against my clit. Another moan fell from my lips, his fingers rubbing through my arousal, then plunging into me. My body responded, pleasure bounding through me in ripples. I cried out, wishing it was his cock and wanting him to fuck me, knowing it was wrong but wanting it anyway and resisting my desire to beg him to take me. With each lick, my need for more rose, my climax teetering on the edge until he twisted his finger, and I came undone, my body clenching down around his fingers, my thighs pushing at his shoulders. My cry was intense, ripped from a part of me I’d hidden away with the trauma and pain of the last few months.

“That’s a good girl,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse.

His touch left me, and there was an emptiness that shouldn’t have been there. The scarf loosened, and as I freed myself, I debated bringing the blindfold up, liking the suspense of not knowing. When I finally lifted it, he was gone, and I flopped my head back, not bothering to untie myself. He’d left me spent, depleted, and satisfied without satisfying himself once again. It seemed like a good guy thing to do, yet he clearly wasn’t one…just like Greyson Tides. It was bad enough that Greyson had me infatuated. Now I had my stranger. Two men who had crossed the line in different ways. Two men who were owning me in ways I didn’t want to admit.

Chapter Thirteen


The last two days had been excruciating. With my obsession so out of control, I’d convinced myself to keep my distance from Riley. As much as I’d wanted to indulge in her, I needed her to crave me as achingly as I craved her. So I’d bided my time, avoiding the office and working from my home instead, making the rounds with Den to check in on my businesses. By the morning of the third day, I could no longer contain myself, vowing I’d play with her and indulge my fantasies some more. The Christmas party I threw for my employees and associates was in a few more days and that was when I’d make my big move, letting her tell me how much she wanted me and fucking her like I craved, without a blindfold, without sneaking in. This time, she would invite me back, if I could wait long enough to make it to her apartment, if I didn’t take her against the wall right there in the middle of the party. She wanted me enough. I’d sensed it in my office, and she might just be as needy as I was, needy enough to wrap her legs around me as I pounded her into the wall of the closest empty room.

But for now, I was playing my part as her unseen suitor, leaving her gifts and relishing the feel of her coming against my mouth. She’d fallen apart so hard, her cry was still resounding through my ears. It was a sound that would stay with me forever. One I wanted to hear repeatedly for the rest of my life.

I stared at the camera as she went back to sleep, my dick too hard to keep from stroking myself. She’d accepted my offer, waiting naked for me, the sight riveting me when I watched her crawl into bed. My cock was still throbbing from the experience, and I cursed my weakness, pulling it free and letting my hands replicate the way I imagined her muscles would bear down on me, the way they had on my fingers. With every thought of her body, the taste of her, the feel of her clenching down around my fingers, my motion quickened until my release hit me, ricocheting through my body. Cum climbed up my stomach, my groan filling the quiet room. I closed my eyes, Riley still on my mind as my body finally quieted.

I’d wanted to break my resolve and fuck her, but she’d stated her rules again and I’d honored them. Some part of me suspected she’d welcome it even with her protests, but I wouldn’t test that suspicion, no matter how much I wanted it. It was better this way. There was no way I could hide my identity if I was buried to the hilt inside of her. I needed to be patient.

My plan was moving into the next stage, but that plan had morphed. I was in too deep, and I couldn’t find my way back out. I’d almost lost control with her in my office. That fucker Matt had dared boast that he’d slept with her. I knew he hadn’t, but that hadn’t stopped the talk around the office. I’d paid him a visit, ensuring he knew never to step foot in my city again and warning him that if he went anywhere near her again, he wouldn’t live to spread rumors about it. I had Den escort him out of my city once I’d left him too bruised and bloodied to protest.

No one took what was mine. And Riley was mine.

Cursing myself for my weakness, I cleaned up and left, hating the distance it put between us. I wanted her now like I’d never wanted anything, and nothing would stop me from having her. I spent a sleepless night with Riley on my mind, rising early enough to slip a small gift and a cup of coffee into her apartment before she woke. Standing over her, I watched the peaceful rise and fall of her breathing, noticing how she still clutched the blindfold in her hand. The way my heart beat at the sight had me worrying that I’d fallen deeper than I’d intended.

I kept my distance from her for the next few days, leaving small tokens for her each morning. The emerald bracelet I’d left her was on her wrist when I stood hidden in the shadows as she walked into the building. This evening was the Christmas party, the night I planned to fully claim her, to let her know I’d had her this entire time. I didn’t go into the office after her, instead I had my men drive me to her apartment where I had one last gift to give her. I draped the blue dress I’d bought Riley on the table in her apartment, tucking a note in the stilettos I’d chosen for her. Buying women’s clothes wasn’t my usual thing, but I wanted her to look just right when I finally took her. Before heading out, I placed the shoes and a diamond necklace on the dress.

I had a meeting out-of-town, and it had me on edge. I didn’t like leaving Riley. Something about how she had run from Treemont still bothered me. I knew she was running from her brother, but instinct told me there was more to it. Mason was still hunting for her, which was part of the reason I was leaving town. He’d asked for a meeting on neutral grounds, his tone serious. And I knew if he asked to meet me, something concerning was on his mind.

His men were still scouring for his rogue henchman, Clint Randall, and suspicion told me this meeting had something to do with him. I took Den and Tinge with me, letting Den drive. Another car followed with two more of my men, armed and ready if Mason pulled anything. Like Den, Tinge was a beast of a man, all muscle and loyal to a fault. All my men were loyal, which made me question what had happened with Mason’s man. He’d been at this for fewer years than I had, but he was still experienced enough to vet anyone on his team. It was the nature of the business.

My knuckles cracked as I stepped from the car, ensuring my jacket was far enough back to show my gun. Mason wasn’t stupid. I didn’t think he’d attempt anything. We were enemies, but there was an unspoken rule, one he’d crossed when he’d dared venture into my territory. He’d retreated, but it had left me planning my vengeance, something Riley had walked right into. Although I wasn’t so sure my plan was going how I’d intended because the thought of devastating her now was wrenching.

“Grey,” Mason said, a bit too cocky for my taste. His green eyes reminded me of his sister’s. The same black hair fell in waves over his forehead.

“I don’t count you among my friends, Brinks, and not even my friends call me Grey.”

“Do you have any friends, Grey…son?”

He was a smartass and my need to teach him a lesson reared back to the forefront.

“Why did you ask me to meet you? I can’t imagine any reason you would have to reach out to me.”

His bravado faltered, and I saw the worry behind it. He was too sharp. There was no way he would mention Riley’s disappearance. She was an asset to anyone who found her. A wild card, an advantage that could weaken or even destroy him, which was precisely how I’d planned to use her. And exactly why I didn’t like being so far from her.

“I have a man who’s gone rogue. He needs to be put down, but he’s gone underground,” he admitted.