Page 12 of Obsessive Cravings

Matt stared at me when I returned, but the intense stares of the men who had accompanied Greyson were what left me unnerved. They were bodyguards, something I’d failed to realize the first time I’d seen them take their positions at the front of the building. Now that one had his hand strategically placed so that I could see the end of his gun, it was clear. Behind the deadly glare was a spark of humor, one that matched the smirk he wore.

I waited to see if they would grab me and remove me from the building, but neither moved as if Greyson had made an exception for me, one they knew to obey. Relaxing, I gave them a playful smile and walked back into the office space. Greyson Tides was powerful enough to have bodyguards yet confident enough in that power to leave them at the door, something that spoke volumes about the man who had left me soaked within minutes of being in his presence.

“Did you really just run into Mr. Tides’ elevator?” Matt asked, his eyes large. His voice was hushed, and his sight kept darting to the bodyguards, waiting for them to come after me.

“I did,” I said with a shrug. “I wanted to introduce myself.”

The lie came easily, but then I’d learned from the best. I made my way back to my desk, collapsing in my chair just as my legs gave out.

I spent the rest of the day in a fog, unable to do anything but think of the way Greyson’s hand had felt on my skin. The way I’d wanted him to continue and fuck me right there against the elevator wall. That touch was enough to take my cravings for him to an entirely different level. I seriously thought about sneaking off to the bathroom to pleasure myself, he’d left me so wet.

The week went by with no other sightings of Greyson Tides. Not that I wasn’t looking. In fact, I found every excuse to wander into the lobby just to see him walk by. Every one of my attempts failed.

Ava peeked in my office as I was gathering my things on Friday. She had the night off and had texted me about dinner and drinks. Knowing I needed something to take the edge off and to get my mind off the sexy man who was dominating it, I’d accepted.

“Ready to pick up some men?” she teased.

“Definitely not,” I replied, thinking there was only one man I wanted to have pounding me and I was positive no other would satisfy that need. “But I’ll take a few drinks and some food. I’m starving.”

Beth walked by and I said goodbye. She and the others were going out for happy hour, but they’d left me out this time. The few women I worked with had been distant to me this week, but I couldn’t pinpoint why—unless Matt had blabbed about my sprint to the elevator, and the fact that I still had my job had spurred rumors. Jealousy was an ugly thing, but I wasn’t about to explain that nothing happened…even if the interaction had been completely inappropriate. The thought sent a tingle through my body.

Ava waved a hand in front of my face. “You still with me?”

Laughing, I pushed it away and grabbed my bag. “I am. Let’s go relax.”

“And find you a hunk to take home. That apartment needs some masculinity.”

I threw her a look. “I’m not bringing a man home.”

“A woman then?”

Rolling my eyes, I walked past her. “No one is coming home with me.” Because I knew no man would erase the touch of Greyson Tides from my body and I didn’t think I wanted it erased.

The small restaurant Ava picked was a few blocks from our apartment building, tucked into a corner where I would never have spotted it. What it lacked in atmosphere, it made up for in food, and I scarfed down my lobster nachos while I listened to Ava drone on about the classes she’d signed up for next semester.

Stabbing a thick piece of lobster meat with my fork, I asked, “Do you know anything about Greyson Tides?”

I had tried to ask nonchalantly, but she wasn’t going for it.

“Him again? Didn’t we talk about him when you first moved in?”

“Yeah, but I’ve settled in now and I saw him the other day?—”

Her brown eyes grew wide. “You saw him?” She leaned in closer. “What’s he look like?”

“He’s…” Our moment in the elevator returned to my mind, the warmth of his hand on my ass and the erection that had pressed against me. “Handsome.”

“Handsome? I’ve heard he’s to die for.”

“Yeah, you could say that.” I stabbed the lobster again, only then realizing I’d shredded the piece so badly there was no way it was going on my fork.

“You stab that plate anymore and it’s going to shatter. Tell me more.”

She had her elbows on the table, her dish now pushed to the side.

“Why does it matter?”

“Because Greyson Tides is a god in this city, one who is elusive and hard to find. He keeps to himself, and people rarely see him. Only those who work with him or for him ever get to.”