Worse yet, despite her efforts to not get stuck with Grayson, after the others got up to dance a few times, including her dad and Margie, they were coupled off. Unable to take it anymore, she excused herself, saying she was going to check out the dessert bar on the other end of the ship where many seemed to be walking from with lots of yummy desserts.

Grayson had already made several attempts to engage in conversation with her, but she’d been curt. Fortunately, she’d made it obvious enough that she knew what he was up to and was not happy about it. So he didn’t follow her.

Knowing her dad would stay busy with Margie, she decided to take her time and explore the ship. The Grand Princess was just that, grand. Ella walked around, babying her drink as she explored the entire ship in no hurry to get back to sitting with Grayson. She took several photos of the luxurious inside foyer that opened all the way down. You could see all the different bars and sitting areas on each floor from the top. She’d begun to text them to her brother, Carmen, and Felix then thought better about texting it to Felix. He’d likely seen much more luxurious than this.

Instead, she decided to find the perfect spot to take a selfy with the ocean behind her, holding her foo-foo drink. After taking several and not liking her smile in any, she got an idea though she felt silly. Instead of smiling, she’d pout. That one actually came out cute. Go figure. She put the text together, telling him the cruise would be so much better if he were there with her.

After sending it, she was determined to get a good one of her smiling so she tried again.

“I can take that for you.”

She looked up at Grayson, who smiled at her, holding another foo-foo drink for her. It was only then that she realized the drink she held was mostly ice again.

“That’s okay. I got a good shot.” She didn’t want to be a bitch, but she had to make a clear point here. Whatever he thought might happen on this trip between the two of them was not happening, and there was a very good reason why. “I was sending them to Felix.”

Grayson nodded but didn’t comment further. He held out the drink to her. “I saw you holding an empty glass.”

She took it, thanking him, mindful of what Felix had warned her of. Already, she was feeling a little light-headed. This would be her last one, but she did need to get some food soon.

“Your dad started worrying, so I told him I’d come looking for you.”

“I was just exploring,” she explained.

Her phone dinged and she looked down. She didn’t care if Grayson thought her rude for checking her texts in front of him. His pulling this stunt was beyond rude.

You’re adorable. And that dress. No wonder the bartender thought you were hot. >=(

Instantly, she felt all warm and fuzzy, and she smiled, texting him back.

I’m on a cruise and all I can do is think of you. =( I miss you so!

She added a few hearts and sent it off, feeling giddy. A little too giddy, she actually giggled. She’d never been a drinker, and these were big drinks. Vacation-sized drinks as Drake had called them and she was on her third.

“So I take it things are going well,” Grayson said, looking down at her phone.

“Yep,” she said simply then changed the subject. “I need to get food.”

She glanced around, trying to remember which way the pizza bar was she’d passed earlier.

“There’s pizza that way.” Grayson said, answering her unspoken question.

They started in that direction as her phone pinged again. Instantly, she was smiling again, and she clicked on the text from Felix.

I miss you too, baby. But I gotta get back to training before Noah and Gio tackle me and throw my phone out in the snow. I’ll call you tonight!

This time she laughed but caught herself and covered her mouth. It wasn’t that funny. Okay, she needed food now. They reached the pizza bar where she loaded a plate with several slices so she could take some back to her dad.

She made sure not to have any more alcoholic drinks for the rest of the evening. After her pizza, a shower to freshen up, and then later a sit-down dinner where Grayson managed to get them all assigned to the same dinner table, Ella had sobered up completely. She was glad she wouldn’t be silly when Felix called, but she did wonder if she’d have to take the call out on the deck and not in the comfort of her own bed as she usually did. She didn’t want her dad, who’d be in the bunk bed just below hers, listening.

As it turned out, that wasn’t going to be an issue. As nine thirty neared, her dad was nowhere near ready to head back to their room. All of them, including Grayson, were pretty buzzed and still partying it up. She explained she was tired and headed back to the room, anxious to talk to Felix.

As usual, she smiled silly the entire conversation she had with him. What she felt inside when she talked to him was beginning to feel less crazy and more relaxed as they got more comfortable with one another, but hearing him say he loved her would forever be nothing short of thrilling. She’d actually thought tonight’s call might be cut short because the roaming rates were so expensive, but when she tried to warn Felix by reminding him about it again, he laughed and said he’d just have to look into getting a second job because there was no way he was getting off the phone until he absolutely had to—just like every other night they’d spoken that week.

The next day she got to finally spend some time alone with her dad. Apparently, Margie and her sisters were early birds. While the men stayed back and slept in, Margie and Meri had gotten up early and took off into Ensenada where they’d docked for the day to have breakfast and do some shopping.