He’d never get enough of kissing her now and did so again then pulled away and looked up at her remaining balloons. “Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s not gonna cut it. I can see where the other two are missing. Let’s go replace them.”

They replaced her balloons first thing then were off to explore the second park. They hadn’t even been in the other park for five minutes when his text message indicator dinged again. He’d just bought her an ice cream cone they were going to share because he wasn’t big on sweets and because he’d already eaten crap that day that wasn’t on his training menu list. Ella saw Felix frown and looked at him confused. “Who was that you were on the phone with?”

“Adel—” He caught himself. ”My publicist.”

“Her name’s Adele?”

“No, Adelina,” he said, annoyed with himself that he’d let that slip because he’d only ever referred to Adelina as his publicist when he mentioned anything about her to Ella.

He’d never called any of his publicists by their last names. It sounded too proper, and it felt weird, but he was seriously thinking about going back to referring to Adelina as Ms. Lazardi. He might even replace his publicist again because even this could come back and bite him in the ass. He didn’t want to risk anything when it came to Ella now.

“You only have the one, right?” She licked her ice cream, squinting as she looked up at him. He nodded, refusing to offer more about Adelina. “So it’s that woman from the day of the blood drive. The pretty one?”

Ella offered him the ice cream cone, and he took it with a shrug. “I don’t know about pretty, but, yeah, that was her.”

He licked the ice cream a couple of times then handed it back to her.

“That’s it?” she said, taking it. “You don’t want anymore?”

“I really shouldn’t be having any, sweetheart.”

His phone dinged again, making him clench his jaw.

“Is something going on today? Is that why she keeps calling and texting?”

Ella continued to eat her ice cream, seemingly unfazed as if her question was just a curious one, but it made Felix nervous. She was way too smart and way too perceptive for that question to be without further motive than just curiosity. And her comment about Adelina being pretty had come out of nowhere just like the first time she’d pointed it out.

“I don’t even know if that’s her,” he said, pulling out his phone. He had no intention of responding; he was only going to turn it off. “It’s just some endorsement deal she’s trying to set up a meeting for.”

Inadvertently, he read the beginning part of Adelina’s text and decided maybe he should read it, but only because he didn’t want his last day with Ella tomorrow interrupted.

They can only see you tomorrow if we can get together before noon. Does that work for you?

The second text was a bit more urgent.

I have them on hold, Felix. Yes or no! If you don’t respond, I’m just going to set it up for tomorrow morning.

Felix looked up at Ella who was still working on her ice cream and if he wasn’t mistaken eyeing his phone with a little more than just curiosity now. “What hours are you working tomorrow?”

“The late shift. I switched with Carmen in case I was too tired after today to go in early. Why?”

“Because I don’t want her setting up this meeting when you’re off.” He was already responding to Adelina as he spoke. “Tomorrow’s my last day here before Big Bear.”

Can’t do morning. Set it up for another day.

“My dad’s spending the weekend at my grandma’s starting today,” Ella said as Felix send off the text. She lifted a playful brow. “I don’t have to go home tonight. We can spend all morning at your place tomorrow if that’s something that might interest you. It’d be nice if I could show you my gratitude for making me feel like such a princess.” She licked the rim of the ice cream cone slowly then licked her lips and smiled. “All day.”

Felix could feel his pants tighten even as his phone pinged again.

Are you sure? Because you’ll be gone after tomorrow. This is important!

It took him just seconds to respond to that.

I’m DAMN sure. Set it up for another day. I’m turning my phone off now.

He turned the phone off and slipped it into his pocket. “All day, huh?” he asked, slipping his arm around Ella’s waist and pulling him to him. “Sounds like heaven to me.”



The only time Grayson’s words had crossed her mind today was early on. The times Felix had seemed so unnerved by the calls and texts he kept getting were when she was pulled from her magical Disney reverie. She hadn’t even realized she’d always wanted to come to Disneyland this much. When he had said he’d take her anywhere she wanted to go, Disneyland had been the very first place that popped into her head.

Even then, as caught up in everything as she’d been, she’d still noticed his sudden anxiousness whenever his phone rang or pinged. Despite what a sweetheart and how graciously attentive he’d been, she couldn’t help but think of Grayson’s words when she realized it was his pretty publicist who’d been doing all the calling and texting. Whatever he says or does for you, whatever he buys you, it’s nothing he hasn’t already done for someone else.

She couldn’t imagine Felix having gone through all this trouble—disguising himself so he could spend the day at Disneyland treating just any girl like a princess all day—just to get a piece of ass. Ella didn’t profess to be anything extraordinary, but this was Felix. He didn’t have to do all this.