He grabbed his keys from the table by the front door then opened the closet door near the entrance, grabbing a sweatshirt out roughly and throwing it over his head. Without looking back at her, he pulled the front door open. “I’ll wait for you in the car.”

He stalked out in a hurry, making Ella flinch again at the unforgiving slam of the front door.

Chapter 14


As expected, Ella had been the epitome of composure. She hadn’t pushed for more or even tried to explain further why she’d been snooping downstairs. The entire ride to 5th Street where she’d left her car tonight was a silent one. It was as if she knew talking about it would only make it worse. All she offered was another whispered apology before getting out of the car.

A few blocks down the road after dropping her off, Felix slammed his fist against the steering wheel. “Damn it all to fucking hell!” he growled.

Why’d she have to find out that way? Why today? And why the fuck hadn’t he put more thought into bringing her to his place?

He’d snapped, plain and simple. All these weeks leading up to tonight he’d been so consumed with trying not to push but at the same time doing his best to convince her that he’d changed.

Not a long time ago.

Not because he regretted or didn’t enjoy his lifestyle.

But because he’d meant it when he said he’d do whatever it took to prove to her she wasn’t making a mistake taking a chance on him. And now look what happened. He’d been just as big of an asshole to her as Grayson was.

For a moment, he was tempted to turn around, go back, and beg her to forgive him. She hadn’t deserved his reaction. She was right. He did have the photos displayed openly for anyone to see. But that’s because his dumb ass didn’t expect to have anyone but family and friends over to his home anymore. And they all knew anyway. Then it dawned on him. He still didn’t know exactly where she lived. She’d mentioned the general area, but he’d never had a need for her exact address. As usual, today she’d insisted on leaving her car at the gym.

He pulled his phone out when he got to a light and hit speed dial. He’d at least apologize over the phone for reacting like such a dick, especially on the night when they’d first . . .

“God damn it!” he said through his teeth as her phone went to voicemail.

Of course she wasn’t going to answer his call. Why would she after the way he’d treated her? He’d fucked her then practically threw her out without so much as a goodnight kiss. Excellent way to drive home the fact that he was a heartless man whore like she’d probably thought all along. Fuck!

He hit speed dial again only this time he called Hector. The last thing he wanted to do was discuss this with Abel. The guy had already been leery enough about Felix’s interest in Ella even after Felix had assured him this wasn’t like any interest he’d had in any other girls and that he wouldn’t be playing with Ella.

“What’s up?” Hector answered.

“Hey, do you know where Ella lives?”

He heard Hector chuckle. “No. You don’t?”

“I’ve never had to pick her up. We always just take off from 5th Street.”

Saying it out loud now, it did sound odd. But so far it’d always just worked out that way. She always said she’d just meet him there. And like tonight she’d insist there was no need for her to go home and drop her car off first. They could just come back to the gym and pick it up afterward from where ever it was that they’d gone.

“So why don’t you just ask her?” Hector asked.

“She’s not answering,” he explained, and before Hector could ask anything else, he added, “I just dropped her off at the gym parking lot so she could pick up her car. She left something in my car, so I thought I’d go drop it off before heading back to my place. I might not see her tomorrow.”

“You guys know where Ella lives?” he heard Hector ask.

Shit! He hadn’t even considered he might still be at Abel’s. Felix heard them saying something then Hector telling them she wasn’t answering then Abel’s stern tone. “Why? What did he do?”

“Ha!” Hector laughed. “What did you do?”

“Nothing,” he said, feeling the irritation mount. “I don’t know why she’s not answering, but I just want her address or at least a cross street before I get too far from here.”

“Nah, no one here knows,” Hector said quickly. “Nellie says she’s got all her info but it’s at her office at 5th Street. Hey, so how was that earthquake? Anything break at your place?”

Since Hector was obviously not going to be any help with Ella’s address, Felix jumped on the highway. He was pissed at himself that, unless she answered tonight, he may have to wait until tomorrow night to talk to her. “Earthquake? When?”

“What? You didn’t feel it? It was a good one! Scared the crap outta the kids. And Gio,” he added then laughed.

Felix heard the guys talking in the background and the girls laugh. “Nope. We didn’t feel anything. What time was this?”

The first thing that came to mind was maybe it’d hit when he and Ella had knocked out. He’d never slept so soundly in his life. Then he’d woken up and jumped off the chaise on a mission to find her because he could hardly wait to have his lips on her again and for what? So he could snap like a little bitch and basically throw her out.