Page 101 of Felix (5th Street 5)

“It just doesn’t feel right, babe. You being here not well and I’m in Vegas?”

“Felix, you’re not going there to party”—she lifted a brow—“are you?”

She smirked, but apparently he was in no mood because he didn’t laugh. Instead he gave her one of his you’re-not-funny looks, the kind he gave her when she asked him to call her ChemoSabe or the day she’d been so famished, which was rare for her lately, but she’d polished off an entire pastrami all by herself. When he’d looked at her, surprised that she’d eaten it all, she’d smiled and said, “I’m eating for tumor.”

That didn’t go over well either. She was just trying to keep things light, especially this close to his fight. Still she went on before he could start arguing that not cancelling the fight had been a bad idea. “You’re doing so well, babe. This is almost over. All of this. The doctors are feeling very confident that I’ll be cancer-free soon. Remember our deal.”

She’d finally been able to calm him and convince him she’d be fine. Then just a week before the fight and in between treatments, she got a call from her doctors. They needed her to come into the hospital. Immediately, her heart was at her throat, but she refused to alarm him, not with the fight this close. But she knew how nervous he was about everything and often called the nurse in charge to check on Ella to avoid waking her. If he called and they told him she’d left and didn’t mention it to him, he might freak. So once she checked with her brother and he said he’d go with her without mentioning it to her dad, she texted Felix.

I’m going to lunch with Memo. He has a few hours to spare and wanted to get me out for some fresh air. I’ll text you when I get back.

Just as she knew would likely be the case, her phone rang as she walked out the door. “Hey, baby.”

The suspicion was there. She could hear it in his voice already, so she did her best to sound cheery. “Hey. I was just walking out. Memo’s taking me to the Olive Garden. All you can eat soup, salad, and bread sticks.”

She wasn’t lying. It was what she’d been craving, and she was planning on stopping there after they left the hospital.

“But everything’s okay, right?”

Ella could only pray it was, so she continued the cheery act. “Yes, I’m actually having one of my better days. I didn’t mean to interrupt your training. I just didn’t want you to worry in case you called to check on me and they told you I’d left.”

“You know I’d mind it a million times more if you didn’t call to give me a heads up on anything.”

“I know.” She smiled. “I’ll text you when I’m back. We might go for a little walk in the park or something because it’s such a nice day.”

Felix was quiet for a moment, and she knew she hadn’t convinced him. Obviously, he’d heard something in her voice. He was getting as good as she was about being able to pick up that something wasn’t all right, so she decided to let him in on something she was going to later anyway.

“Grayson called today.”

He was quiet again; then he spoke. “What did he want?” This time she heard the unmistakable irritation in his voice. It actually relieved her. It was better than hearing the fear.

“To come by and see me.”

Unbelievably, his tone went even more severe. “What?”

“Of course I said no, babe. And it’s the first time he’s called since that night I told him not to anymore. I told him I still wasn’t comfortable with him calling me especially now that I’m living temporarily in your home. It doesn’t feel right.”

“In that case, I don’t want you ever moving back to your place.”

Ella smiled; although, she wasn’t entirely sure if he was kidding or not. He certainly didn’t sound as if he were. “He said he understood and would respect that, Felix. He’s gone to see my dad a few times to get updates on me, and my dad’s told him everything you’ve done for me. Grayson asked me to apologize to you. He said he was wrong, and he’s glad I have you in my life. And he said he won’t be calling me anymore out of respect for you. He’ll just get updates from my dad and Memo.”

Again there was silence. “I’m gonna hold him to that,” he finally said.

Ella exhaled softly. For once, the uncomfortable subject of Grayson had come in handy because the suspicion about something more being wrong had been forgotten for the moment. Though he did make her promise to call or text and let him know when she got home. She hung up feeling a little guilty, but she didn’t see the point in alarming him if this might be nothing. She assured her nervous brother this would be fine, but it’d still been a somber and quiet drive to the hospital. Ella took advantage of the quiet to speak inwardly with her mom. Whatever this was she’d get through it too. She had to.



Ella had texted Felix a few hours earlier to tell him she was home again. The whole time between when he spoke with her until he heard from her again and she told him she was back home he’d hardly been able to concentrate. She’d gone out for coffee with Carmen and her dad during her stay at his place, but it always made him nervous. Felix knew that Ella knew how much he worried. He wouldn’t put it past her to keep something from him about her illness just to avoid messing with his training. But he’d made her promise she’d tell him the moment she got any news, no matter how minor or worrisome.