The crudeness of his words were shockingly erotic and appealed to the carnal and untamed part of me I was only just discovering.
Nox pushed another finger into my sensitive flesh. They were fire, burning hot and deep. His tongue was hot velvety against my sensitive nub, swirling around it like a tempest of pleasure that I could barely contain.
The sensation was almost too much, a mix of pleasure and pain building into something I couldn't put into words. Fisting his hair, I spiraled out of control and cried out in ecstasy, chanting his name over and over.
Slowly, I drifted back into reality. Repleted. Blissed. I lifted my head and looked down the length of my body.
He nipped my inner thigh. “You're going to come for me again, kitten.”
Nox dragged that talented tongue back up through the slick between my legs. Sensitive, I mewled, but he didn't relent.
His mouth worshiped my clit while his fingers worked deep into my core, the sensations overwhelming. My eyes rolled back in pleasure as I felt myself on the precipice of euphoria once again.
Just when it felt like I could take no more, Nox removed his finger and brought both hands to cup my ass cheeks. He angled me so his chin provided friction while his mouth consumed the sensitive bundle of nerves exactly as I needed.
With one powerful stroke of his tongue, he sent shockwaves of delight through every nerve ending in my body. Faster, he drove me ever closer towards oblivion until I shattered in a wave of pure ecstasy that left me breathless.
I think I might have passed out. The next thing I knew, Nox was tucking me under the covers and bending to brush his lips against mine.
The scent of my arousal on his skin brought the wild to the surface, tempting me to pull him down on top of my body.
“Tempting kitten,” he murmured.
“I thought I was a hellion. And a menace,” I teased exhaustedly.
“Oh, you definitely are. But when you bare yourself to me like you just did, you're my kitten.”
“I should probably be offended by that.”
“But you're not,” he grinned and straightened to leave.
I grabbed his hand. “Nox, what about … what about you?”
“Do you mean what about the painful erection behind my zipper?”
I fought to keep my eyes from lowering to his crotch. “Uh, yes.”
“Tonight wasn't about me. But I promise to let you do something about it the next time we're alone.”
“So you're just going to ignore it?”
Nox lowered his face to mine and that sinful mouth tilted. “My female wants to know if I'm going to take myself in hand?”
Gods help me, I prayed then said, “Yes.”
“Do you want me to?”
I bit my lip, feeling awkward and unsure, but also incredibly interested. “Yes.”
“In that case, I'll head straight to my bed while your scent is still on me, close my eyes, and pretend my cock is inside your mouth. Would you like that?”
I nodded, my face filling with my hot blood while my mind created racy images of his suggested task.
Nox kissed me quickly and stood. “Dream of me, Aeryn, as I'll surely be dreaming of you.”
Then he was gone and I was left terribly curious what it would be like to watch him masturbate. Thank goodness my body was tired. I drifted off and dreamt of the shadowy male doing all sorts of naughty things.
For the first time in a long time, I awoke smiling.