The wine was rich and held hints of oak. Drier wines weren’t my favorite, but I needed a little liquid courage for the subject I was about to broach. I downed the rest and held out the glass for more.

“It must be serious,” he stated observantly.

Instead of filling the goblet, he took it, placed it on the table, and gave me his full attention. “You have my full attention.”

How many others had sat on this side of that attention? Did they feel just as mystified? As shaken to the core?


I took a breath. “Do you think it's a good idea to offer a prize like you did tonight? It's the second one I've been awarded.”

“Yes, the gods have been merciful lately.”

“No, I mean I feel like … how you look at me? And talk to me in front of the others? And having private dinners? The others don't like it.”

“Do you like it?” he inquired in a smooth tone.


“Aeryn. Answer the question.”

“Yes, but—"

“But you think I'm making you a target?”

I sat back in my chair. “Yes.”

“I thought about that. In fact, I've thought of your safety more than Lorne would prefer. The truth is, little hellion, the original reward wasn't dinner with me. You won all on your own and I decided to change it.”

He topped off my glass and slid it towards me.

I left it alone. “What was the prize?”

“Dresses and shoes.”

“Yuck.” I pressed my lips together, not having meant to sound so rude.

“Yes, I am aware of how you feel about such things,” he agreed deprecatingly. “Lorne allowed Hilda to decide.”

Of course that was what she picked. Fluff and frills. No thank you.

“Anyway, back to your concern about being a target, you're already in a handful of crosshairs. I thought if I treated you as entertaining—which you are, by the way—it wouldn't come across as an interest in you as queen. I don't want to show interest in taking you seriously like that.”

I was surprised I didn't wince, as hard as those words hit. Logically, I understood. Emotionally, however? Well, I would pretend it was fine.

It didn’t help that my body didn't care what he said as long as he continued looking at me like he wanted to eat me.

“I've also had Lorne make some adjustments to the remaining trials. I'm not sending you into something where I can't see you. I can barely stand to have you out of my sight as it is.”

My body was way ahead of my brain, his pronouncements like foreplay.

“As for how I look at you, I'm not certain that can be helped. But I'll try.”

Sometimes he said exactly the right thing.

“Thank you,” I told him, sitting up straighter and reaching for the drink I now needed more of.

“Anytime. Was there something else on your mind?”