My eyes lowered, cheeks warming. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Lorne clapped once to quiet the mutterings. “We will begin the third trial shortly. You will exit to your left into the makeshift dressing area where you will find dresses, shoes, and anything else you think you may need. You will be allowed to choose your ensemble, but keep in mind we'll be testing your poise, grace, and decorum.”

A ripple of interest passed through the spectators as they headed to the left. The trial of elegance tested qualities I lacked. I stifled a groan.

“You have fifteen minutes. Go!”

Most of the elegant females made a mad dash for the exit.

“You coming?” Mirrelle asked as she and Astrid passed by.

“There's nothing in that room that will convince me to put a pair of heels onto these feet.”

Sofiya giggled. “Yeah, but maybe I can keep a pair when I leave. They really do give us the most beautiful shoes.”

“Have mine, then.”

“We'll be right back,” she promised.

Raina stayed behind with me. “Not into looking like a fairytale princess?” she asked.

“No. You?”


“Thank the gods. Let's go sit.”

I led us to seats off to the side, away from Nox and his guards so it wouldn't be obvious if I ogled him. It also helped keep Raina away from Liam.

We sat in companionable silence. It was nice not to hear the tittering speculation about what had happened in the labyrinth. Not only was everyone curious about how I'd gotten access to my well-store, but also what sort of magic would manifest.

The touching power wasn't a primary one. It would have been much more powerful. Whatever my primary magic was, I assumed I'd soon know for certain.

Zoriyah's magic had been tested while I was healing to ensure she didn't have access to dark magic, which she did not. She was questioned and she said she had no idea why the orb did what it did to me. It should have only burned deep enough to put me out of commission for the next week or so.

She couldn’t lie so it had to be true. But at the time I'd been certain she'd meant to kill me. I didn't want to think about it right now.

The purposeful click of feminine dress shoes on stone reached my ears. Unfortunately, our seats were right by one of the main entrances.

Hilda glided into the hall, followed by her handmaidens. The nymph's critical gaze raked over Raina, then me, no doubt taking in our trousers, boots, and loosely bound hair. I fought not to fidget under her scrutiny.

Hilda dipped into a curtsy before Nox. “Your Grace, we are prepared to judge the final trial. If the contestants are ready, we shall begin.” Her musical voice held a note of censure, as if we had already failed by not being prepared.

Nox's lips twitched. “The contestants are trickling back in now. You may proceed once they've all returned, Lady Hilda.”

“Very well, Your Grace.”

When the last contestant joined the group, Hilda called us all up to the front. We stood in a single file line awaiting judgment. Like livestock.

She turned a sugary smile on me and my friend. “Let us start by addressing your appearance and conduct. A true lady must always be well-groomed and poised.”

I barely resisted rolling my eyes.

Hilda and her minions proceeded to critique everything from our posture to the state of our nails and hair. I endured her scolding with ill grace, chafing at being subjected to such trivial matters.

Then we were paraded along the perimeter, walking in a circle so the king could observe us pass by his table.

Heels clicked lightly while my boots landed with muffled sounds. I didn't bother with the delicate hand thing Hilda preached, but I did maintain good posture out of habit.