“Nox, I have no control over it. I've had access to this power for less than an hour. And you wish to use it—to use me—as a weapon in political games?”
“I wish to keep my kingdom safe.” His hands tightened on my shoulders. “I have no intention of marrying the traitor's candidate. But if I don't figure out who it is, their attacks won't stop with me. If I fall, it's easier to get to Lorne. To Sage. Any blood relation will be a target. I'm asking you to help me keep my family alive, to prevent the kingdom from falling into the wrong hands. Unless,” he paused, sharp eyes discerning, “your constitution cannot handle the high stakes of politics.”
Anger and frustration warred within me. I despised feeling like I was being manipulated, yet how could I refuse him if lives were truly at stake?
I covered one of his hands with my own. “I don't like being manipulated. I despise it more than your implied insults.”
“I'll help you.”
The tension eased from his frame and a flicker of warmth lit his eyes. “With your help, we can end this threat once and for—”
“I'll help you,” I repeated, meeting his gaze. “But I want your word that you won't use my friends against me to get my cooperation.”
“Done. Anything else?”
“Don't act rashly. I don't have control over this power and I might only catch glimpses of something that could be misinterpreted.”
“I have never been one to act rashly, little hellion. Not until very recently, when I met this nettlesome creature with pale green eyes who burrowed under my skin and began plaguing my thoughts more than she should.”
A wave of warmth spread through me as I felt my cheeks getting hot, both uncomfortable and intrigued.
His hand cupped my face and I leaned into it. “I love it when you blush.”
He brought his lips to mine. Softly. Sensuously. Then he nipped my bottom lip and I yelped, more from surprise than pain. His tongue traced the sensitive skin and then he was gone, standing in front of the fire.
“I would love nothing more than to strip you bare and see that beautiful blush everywhere, but we don't have time. I need to get back to Lorne and the trial.”
My lips pressed at the mention of the Lorne and trial. “Lorne knew I'd used magic when I touched him.”
“That's because it's leaking from you. It will take time to get control of it. Other abilities will manifest at some point, as well. The others will remember what it was like when they came of age.”
“So if I touch someone they won't know what I did? Not specifically?”
“Exactly.” His hand extended to mine. “I'll take you back to your room.”
Nox's arm came around my waist, pulling me close against his side. His scent surrounded me, seeping into my skin.
The shadows whirled and twisted, depositing us inside my chamber. Nox's arm remained where it was, his palm splaying over my hip in a possessive claim.
My breath caught as he turned me to face him, gray eyes intent upon my own. “Do not go out of your way to touch any of them. Only do it when the opportunity arises. Understood?”
My forehead wrinkled. “Doesn't that defeat the purpose of me helping?”
“You've agreed to help me ferret out these vipers, but I'll not have you putting yourself in unnecessary danger. Your life is not a pawn for me to sacrifice as I see fit. If you are reckless with your safety, I'll come up with a creative punishment.”
“Even if I'm willing?”
Nox's jaw tightened. “Even then.”
“Did you give Liam and your siblings the same warning?”
“You're different.”
“A risk, you mean?”
“Not in the way you think, love.”