“The flags,” I panted, hunched in pain. “We have to get them. Now.”
Sofiya's eyes were solemn. “Aeryn, your chest—”
“We have to get out first,” I tried for a reassuring smile and failed.
Sofiya bit her lip but nodded. With her arm around my waist, she helped me to the flags. Pausing, we read the names. No one else had gotten this far.
“They're still in there.” I looked back in the direction from where we’d entered the chamber. “Maybe we should–”
“Absolutely not! You're in no shape to do anything. Grab your flag or I'll do it for you and stuff it in your mouth!” Sofiya’s pupils were so small they nearly disappeared.
Stress was really doing a number on my friend. I snatched my flag, the material rough under my blistered fingers. The door leading out of the maze creaked open.
Shit. I'd been hoping a portal would have dragged me straight out of this damned place.
A blast of magic exploded at my side. We whipped around, Sofiya in front of me with fists raised awkwardly. I was too weak to do anything but hold on to her back.
Peeking over her shoulder, I found Nox striding toward us, a team of guards at his back and his brother at his side.
His gaze darted to my injury, a muscle in his jaw clenching. “Your trial is over. Lorne, take Aeryn to my study for healing.”
I bristled at the command, opening my mouth to argue. I didn’t need his coddling, but Nox's stare silenced me. This was not a request.
Lorne glanced at Sofiya then grasped my bicep. Darkness enveloped us as he transported us away in a blink.
My chest protested at the sharp movement, pain spiking through my body. I bit back a hiss, pride refusing to show weakness in front of the fae prince.
Vulnerability and I were not great friends.
We emerged in Nox's spacious study, before a crackling fireplace. My eyes snagged on an intricate glass orb sitting atop the mantle, murky shapes swirling within.
I didn't remember that being in here before.
Lorne nudged me to the couch, concern flashing over his face for a brief moment. “Sit. I will inform the healers to attend you.”
He started to turn away. On impulse, I caught his arm.
At the contact, a rush of thoughts, not my own flooded my mind. It was a chaotic jumble of focus on Sofiya in the maze and worry at leaving her and why did Nox not send him to guard her instead and …
I blinked, yanking my hand back as if scalded, and stared up at Lorne. He peered down at me with a frown, confusion in his silver gaze.
“Magic,” he snarled. “You just used magic on me.”
“I'm sorry! I don't know what's happening. I touched you and I saw ... I heard ...” I struggled for words, heartbeat racing.
“Calm yourself.” He knelt before me. “You touched me and saw something? Like a vision?”
I shook my head.
“Then what?”
My fear fought with the pain from my injury. Lorne would never let this go. He could even get someone to compel it out of me.
He might also be able to get someone to tell me what in the worlds was happening to me.
Taking a breath, I told him. “Sofiya going into the maze. Your worry. I heard you ask Nox why he wouldn't send you to guard her since he knew we'd be together in the labyrinth.”
Lorne sat back on his heels. His large chest expanded as he took a deep breath.