The floodgate opened and couldn't hold in the sob. I covered my mouth, embarrassed. Trembling.

Then I was in his arms, wrapped tightly as he tried to calm my inner storm. Of its own accord, my imagination replayed the scene, only this time with me in Nox's bed.

I thought of the way his lips had explored with such tenderness and passion, how his hands had moved over that body with knowing skill.

I relaxed against him, uncertain how this would end or what it meant for us. His fingers massaged my nape as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

Nox must have noticed the change in mood because he stepped back slightly, giving us enough space to look each other in the eye again. His face was gentle yet questioning.

“Her face was hidden by the shadows,” I told him in a quiet voice. “I assumed it wasn't anyone in particular, just that it wasn't me.”

His voice was deceptively unemotional when he asked what I feared he would. “Did you want it to be you, Aeryn?”

Choose a path or risk having it chosen for me? I chose. “Yes.”

Triumph, masculine and confident, reflected back at me. “Good.”

Too scared to read into his reaction, I went for reassurance. “You're positive it was me? You could see my face?”

“I could see every exquisite square inch of you, little hellion.”

I blushed.

“But what I find most intriguing is that, though you believed it was someone else I'd bedded, you still protected me from the attack.”

Oh shit. I'd been so focused on the sex I'd forgotten how it ended. “It was intuitive. She was going to harm you and I reacted without thinking.”

“Sacrificing yourself for your king,” he exhaled, lifting my palm to his chest. “You are a miracle, Aeryn.”

“Don't say that. Technically, it was me who attacked.”

“And you who saved me.”

“Yeah, from me.”

Oh no. No-no-no-no-no! I left his arms, pacing.

“Stop it,” he ordered. “You're reading too much into it.”

“Nox. I attacked you. With a blade.”

“Yes. As you've done before.”

“But not to stab you in the back!”


“What was the spell supposed to do? I know it was cast to provoke anger or some response, but specifically what was expected?”

“It was to show you what you desired most, to be so real you wouldn't question if it was. Then take it away.”

“Why couldn't I tell it was me then?”

His tongue touched his canine. When I thought he might answer, someone knocked on the door.

“Brother, it's time,” Lorne called from the other side. “The others will notice if you keep her in here much longer.”

Nox gave me a meaningful look. “I won't make you an even bigger target.”