I shut the door and paced the length of my chamber. Maybe walking would burn off some of the nervous energy.
A knock rattled my door, shattering my frantic thoughts. I opened it to find Liam standing there holding a covered tray.
“Good evening, Lady Aeryn.”
“Good evening, Sir Liam.”
He pushed past me and set his tidings on the small table.
Watching him, I left the door wide open. “Forgive me for asking like this, but what do you think you’re doing?”
“Only exactly what I'm told. Until tomorrow, Lady Aeryn,” he bowed with a flourish and left.
“You missed the evening meal.”
I jumped halfway out of my skin, spinning around. Tonight, Nox's scent carried sweat and steel.
Instead of leaning, Nox was bent over the table, removing lids and lining up silverware. For one.
“I was worried you were unwell.” His gaze dropped to the dagger at my waist.
The memory of how it had gotten into my possession flashed through my mind, bringing a flush to my skin.
“I wasn't hungry.” The nerves on my tongue were raw, my mouth dry as dust.
I cleared my throat. “Do you pop into the others' rooms like this?”
“What do you think?” he smirked, pouring my drink.
No. My gut said no. My lips refused to speak it, terrified I was wrong.
Nox pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit. I chewed on my lip.
“There you go again, menace, tempting me with your wiles.”
His voice was a dangerous, dangerous thing, bringing my body to life when he used that tone.
“Hungry or not, you need sustenance. But I'll give you a choice. You can chew on the meal I had the cook prepare for you or I will chew on you.”
My temperature rose and the wild thing pushed to launch myself at him. Reluctantly, I sat and he scooted me forward.
I picked up the fork. “Is this poisoned?” I asked before realizing what I was saying.
Nox peered down at me and I suddenly felt very small.
“Do I strike you as the type of male who would use such sneaky means to get rid of someone?” His voice was deep and measured.
“That's not an answer.”
Nox's disappointing sigh had a weight to it, a pressure that bore down on me like a heavy hand.
“No, Aeryn. It's not poisoned. Only a coward would stoop so low.”
The king disappeared.
I did need sustenance, it was true, but it took me a while to use the utensil in my hand. I ate the food without pleasure, cleaning the plate.
Foolishly, part of me needed to eat the meal because Nox had asked.