I swallowed hard, torn between desire and annoyance. He was definitely toying with me, even if he thought he wasn't.
“Stop tempting me, little menace.” Nox stepped close enough for me to feel the heat of his breath.
My hands fisted in his tunic, unsure if I wanted to pull him closer or push him away. “I didn't do anything to you.”
“Oh, but you did.” Nox brushed his lips over mine, a teasing caress that left me aching for more.
Pulling back, his large hand cupped my jaw, thumb brushing softly across my cheek. “I didn't like what happened yesterday. Don't let it happen again.”
“Are you seri—"
He planted a hard kiss, effectively shutting me up. “Delicious,” he hummed. “Perfect way to start my day.”
The king stepped into the shadows, leaving me keyed up, and more perplexed than our prior interactions. I didn’t like where it was taking my thinking.
I had a feeling this was going to be a long day.
Today's training proved more challenging than I expected. The weapons master, a patient fae named Eirik, had us practicing with bows and arrows, spears, daggers, and swords. He said he was preparing us for the hunt that would take place the following day.
Apparently hunting was a skill a queen should possess.
While I had experience making traps to catch creatures trying to steal crops, my skills with weapons were limited. A few contestants snickered each time I missed my target, their laughter wearing and difficult to ignore.
Zoriyah stood to the side, watching my every move. “Perhaps you should stick to farming. It seems weapons are beyond your capabilities.”
I held my tongue and continued practicing.
“Nothing to say, then?”
Instead of responding, I notched another arrow and released, cheering inwardly when it hit just to the right of the center circle. I snagged another arrow.
Zoriyah glided forward to stand behind me. I was hyperaware of her presence, could nearly taste the aggression seeping from her pores.
She reached for my wrist, the one holding the arrow, and I whirled away. Evasive move number four.
Thank you, Lorne.
For the first time, I studied Zoriyah. Really studied her.
Her posture straightened. “What are you staring at?”
The embodiment of bravado hiding silent desperation was the answer. One I kept to myself and instead asked a question. “Why do you only prey on those weaker than you?”
The others had gone silent, watching. Magic flickered around Zoriyah, but she restrained herself. She wouldn't jeopardize her chances of winning.
“Because it's easy,” Xerag answered in a bored tone.
“What?” she said to Zoriyah who was now focused on her. “I only verbalized what everyone already knows.”
Zoriyah's frame shook and I thought she might lose her hold on that scorching fire magic.
Mirrelle cocked her hip saucily. “I don't think Yah-Yah over there knew.”
“You'll pay for those words,” Zoriyah vowed.
“Who? Me? I'll pay?” Mirrelle pressed her palms to her ample chest with faux innocence. “Or did you mean Xerag? Both of us? What about Aeryn? Raina? Oh, or sweet Sofiya? You'll burn her, too?”
“I'll be queen and you'll see exactly who I mean.”