There was no denying that the situation was complicated. Aeryn's involvement in these trials put her in more danger than the others. Yet I don’t think I could have left her behind in Greenhollow. I definitely couldn’t send her back now.

If that made me an asshole of epic proportions, so be it.

I let out a frustrated sigh and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist. Thoughts of the past lingered in my mind as I began to dress for dinner, threatening to pull me under.

As I finished buttoning up my shirt, there was a knock on the door. Liam's voice came through the other side, “Nox, are you ready?”

I took a deep breath, composing myself before opening the door to face my friend. “Let's go.”

As we made our way down to the grand hall, I silently ran through the list of candidates. Where they came from. Who they associated with. Their names. Faces.


There were several I wanted to pay special attention to in the coming days. The hope was to tease out enough from each to determine if they were who I sought.

I just needed to keep my cock in check before it ruined everything.



The grand hall looked like it had been decorated for a stately celebration, glittering with an array of precious metals and glistening stones on nearly every surface.

At least a dozen candelabras, as tall as I was, held black and white lit candles. The flickering light of their flames bounced off the glimmering crystals dripping from the large chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling.

In the center of the hall sat an enormous dining table made of an ash-colored wood. It was surrounded by golden chairs embellished with vibrant gemstones of gold and silver.

The display of wealth and grandeur was a stark contrast to my cottage.

I tugged at the strapless bodice of my dress, wishing for the comfort of my worn tunic and breeches. At least I'd the sense to hack off the heels of these ridiculous shoes before leaving my quarters.

Astrid greeted me with a tight smile as Sofiya and I approached the bar to order drinks. She clutched a goblet of water, her knuckles pale.

“And she lives,” I winked, hoping to ease whatever was making her so tense. We hadn't had an opportunity to speak since she appeared in the training yard.

“Thanks to you and Sofiya” she tipped her head, golden-red curls falling into her face. Annoyed, she pushed them back. “I could have died.”

I shrugged, reaching for the wine glass Sofiya held out. “Think nothing of it. I'm sure you'd have done the same for me.”

Astrid's gaze flicked to the glyphs on her arms, and I bit my tongue before I could ask their meaning. Sofiya and Raina had been tightlipped about Astrid after yesterday's training session.

I understood. Some secrets were best kept close in a snake pit like this. You never knew who was listening.

Mirrelle came over with a frothy pink drink, her eyes soft when they found Sofiya's. “You were brave to stand up for me after what happened with Dori. You, too, Aeryn. I won't forget that.”

“We only did what was right,” Sofiya replied.

The memory of Dori's pale, lifeless body twisted my stomach. I took a desperate gulp of wine, but its sweetness soured in my mouth.

A disturbance rippled through the crowd. The contestants' excited chatter transformed into purrs and giggles. I didn't have to turn to know the source of their amusement.

Nox. The name whispered through my mind in a burst of heat and longing.

Curse the dark fae for having such an effect on me. I kept my eyes on the contents of my goblet, refusing to give him the satisfaction of my gaze.

“Good evening, ladies,” Nox rumbled from the door.

I gritted my teeth against a shiver.