I swallowed, struggling to reconcile what he was saying. The skin on my face felt tight. My eyes burned.
Nox's gaze softened. He reached for my hand and slid it up to rest over his heart. “I give you the same in return.”
The tears fell and I didn't do anything to stop them. Something shattered inside and I swooped down to claim his mouth, grinding my hips into his, riding my mate like it might be the last thing I ever did.
He gripped my hips, thrusting up into me. I was lost. Everything I had buried myself in, had chased after, was here in this moment. I wanted to feel it, all of it.
I was his and he was mine.
Nox's eyes locked with mine, his face a mask of restrained need. I groaned into his mouth and sucked on his tongue, reveling in the way he growled against me.
“Yes,” he moaned, his voice thick with satisfaction. “Just like that, kitten.”
The pleasure was overwhelming, the feeling of him inside me like coming home. He nipped at my lips, kissing me deeper. I gasped, my vision going white as I came.
Nox bellowed, his hands tightening on my ass as he drove deep and pulsed inside me. I continued to ride him, milking every last drop he had to offer.
His hips slowed, then stopped. Arms tightened around my back.
“Alright, love?” he asked, tucking my head into the nook of his shoulder and neck.
I nodded, my heartbeat thudding in my ears. We stayed like that for long minutes, the carriage rocking softly. Nox petted my hair and I traced his heart with my finger.
When our speed slowed Nox pulled the curtain to peek outside. “We'll be there soon,” he said, nibbling at my ear.
“One more minute,” I sighed, nuzzling into the space under his chin.
“Whatever you want, love. My time is yours.”
I thought nothing could have been more perfect than this moment.
I was wrong.
The carriage rattled down the wide forest path at an undemanding pace. I leaned against Nox, taking comfort in his solid strength as I watched the trees go by.
Despite the grim circumstances of the recent attack, I was able to relax in his closeness. Being with him like this was easy; such a stark contrast to our first interactions.
When the ancient temple came into view, I leaned closer to the window. The Temple of Aine was much larger than I'd anticipated, though not imposing. Somehow it blended into the nature around it, like it belonged in this clearing.
We stopped in front of the imposing structure and Nox exited before his guard could open the door. I stuck my head out and couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.
Ivy crawled up the walls in wild patterns. Beds of vibrant flowers framed the steps. The doors were open wide, inviting us inside where I could see flickering lights dancing with shadows.
Nox took my hand and led me along the path towards the worn stone steps. I wondered how many fae had visited this place.
“This temple has stood for over a thousand years,” he told me. “It's one of the few remaining sanctums dedicated solely to the goddess Aine.”
One of my eyebrows lifted. “Isn't she the goddess of wealth, Your Majesty?”
“Such a little menace,” he clucked cheekily. “She's also the goddess of sovereignty, love, and,” he brought my hand to his mouth, “fertility.”
Fertility. The word echoed through my disjointed chamber of thoughts.
Nox continued talking about the history of the temple. I was too distracted to pay attention.
Fae didn't produce many offspring, but I'd not taken any of the typical precautions. I wasn't of magical age and, thus, should have been protected from pregnancy until I was.
Then again, I'd been able to access my well-store before my twenty-fifth birthday. Did that mean everything else that came with it was also true?