“You stupid whore! I will put you in the ground right beside the fucking ki—"
Her body jolted violently before a jagged spear of ice erupted from her mouth. Splatters of warm gore landed on my face and neck. A torrent of blood spewed out in thick, sticky ribbons drenching my chest and neck.
Her struggling gurgles mixed with the wet tearing noise of the icy spike being yanked out through flesh and bone. A heavy wave of nausea rolled through me.
When her body fell forward I panicked, struggling to get out from under it.
“Nooo!” Rodrik cried, sprinting towards me. His hands began to glow with power.
I tensed, ready to dodge whatever spell he threw at me. The magic never came. Rodrik's face froze in a silent scream, dropping to his knees and clutching his throat. Blood spurted between his fingers as his body crumpled, revealing my mate behind him, claws dripping red.
Nox ran to me, pulling me up from the ground and frantically searching for a wound.
“It's not mine. It's not mine,” I repeated as much for my own reassurance as his.
“Thank the gods,” he said, pulling me into his embrace. “You're shaking.”
Still holding on to me, he maneuvered us over to the stairs, lowering to sit with me against the bottom step. Nox kept me tucked close.
Slowly, the shakes faded to small tremors. But my brain wasn't fully comprehending what had just happened.
Nox moved and knelt in front of me, rubbing my arms. “I want to check you for injuries again. The excitement of battle can mask pain.”
I gave no argument. While he touched me from head to toe, I looked around and found the courtyard deserted save for the dead and dying. It didn't look real, more like actors on a stage.
I had no reaction. The experience left a horrid numbness behind.
Lorne stalked over to us, expression grim. “The castle and its grounds are secure. I've sent for a healer to tend our wounded.”
His gaze flicked to me, tightening with concern. “Are you dying?”
“N-not today,” I managed to get out.
He nodded.
“Sofiya?” I asked.
Lorne's chin lifted toward the top of the stairs. “With her parents inside. She's fine. Pissed at me because I assigned someone to carry her inside in case of an attack, but physically fine.”
I released a breath, sagging into Nox. It was over, at least for now. We had survived.
Liam stalked over, expression grim, dragging Raina by her bicep. Though he was handling her roughly, she didn't fight him.
“What would you like me to do with the last Brandenburg traitor?” Liam asked bluntly.
Fury burned through the icy block containing my emotions. A surge of protective instinct propelled me to my feet. “She's not involved in this, Liam, and you damn well know it.”
“I know her parents just tried to kill my king and his mate. I know they put her through training her entire life to be able to fight.”
“So did Zoriyah's,” I retorted.
“They waited until they were reunited and within close distance as a family to strike.”
“She saved my life and your king's!”
His jaw ticked. “Conveniently saving her own hide because they were losing.”
“For gods' sakes, Liam. Get over the past and—"