The sun beat down, showcasing the dust that swirled around boots and clung to sweat-slicked skin. My heart pounded in time with the shouts and grunts of fighters dueling in rings scattered around the yard.
After last night with Nox, I couldn't shake the feeling I needed to protect him. Something within me had shifted, solidified, and gave me a new purpose.
It was freeing to focus on something else, to be motivated to help another, especially the king. This was bigger than me and Sofiya. Though dangerous, I felt lighter than I had since we'd left Greenhollow.
I had to help Nox find his father's killers. He deserved to know and the kingdom deserved to keep him as king. Today's hand-to-hand tournament was a good opportunity to do so.
That was, if I could keep my opponents from trying to choke the life out of me, as my current rival was attempting. Callis was motivated, I'd give her that much.
When I'd first entered the ring, her blood thirsty war cry gave me pause. But then her lips curled in a taunting sneer and I found I didn't have the patience for her attitude.
Emotion drove her attacks rather than skill. My instincts coupled with Lorne's quick teachings let me twist and pivot, avoiding the wild swings of her bo staff.
We weren't to use any weapon that could cause severe injury. This meant no swords or daggers, no bow and arrows, and, especially, no magic.
“You pretend you don't want the throne yet you keep winning!” Callis shrieked, anger flushing her cheeks. “You're as power-hungry as any of us, you stupid slut!”
She swung and I ducked, tapping her lightly on the hip with my staff and spinning out of range. Callis screeched indignantly.
I actually understood her frustration. I wasn't well-trained. I was just fast. It must have been very insulting.
“You think you can protect your little friend? We have plans for you both!”
That was the last straw. “The only one I'm protecting is you.”
“Ha! From what, farm-slut?”
Farm-slut? I would have laughed if she wasn't so annoying.
“From you getting your ass handed to you. And get a new word other than slut. I'm sure the library has a thesaurus in big print with small words.”
If looks could have killed I'd have been dead before I hit the ground. Before Callis could decide what to do to me, I lunged forward and knocked her feet out from under her.
She crashed with a cry, and I pinned her wrists above her head, our skin touching. Her mind was a tumble of jealousy and hurt. But she knew nothing of the king's death.
Lorne, apparently assigned to my ring, declared me the winner.
I released her and stood, offering a hand. She slapped it away and stumbled to her feet.
Callis spat at my feet. “Whore.” She stomped away, tears streaking the dust on her cheeks.
“Congrats on the synonym, Callis!” I yelled to her retreating back.
My gaze cut to Nox. He watched me from the sidelines, face impassive, but warmth flickered in my chest. I yearned to lose myself in his embrace again.
But for now, I had work to do. The next opponent would step into the ring, and I would search their mind as I searched the others.
Until I found the truth.
Sofiya stumbled into the ring. She'd been assigned to the one behind me. Before my fight had ended, I'd heard her take Callis's sister, Cadence, to the ground with a feminine shout of triumph.
Sofiya took one look at me and collapsed onto the ground, limbs sprawling.
Laughter bubbled in my chest. I sauntered over and dropped down beside her. “Giving up so soon?”