His voice was sex and decadence and I worried he was using magic on me. I didn't scent it, but how else could I explain my reaction?
Nox reached behind him and retrieved a blade from the back of his belt.
“Recognize me yet, little hellion?”
His dark grey eyes lit teasingly. My lips formed an O-shape. I locked onto the dagger he was carelessly tossing.
That was my dagger. My blood heated. King Nox had been the one under the helmet.
“A female of your spirit is hard to find. I've been looking forward to this moment all day.”
He wanted to drop the formalities? Fine. I could do that.
“Have you?” I arched my brow, fighting to keep my expression aloof. “I'm afraid I cannot say the same.”
Nox chuckled, the sound low and sinful. “So contrary. It's one of the things I admire about you.”
“You don't know the first thing about me.”
“I know you'd sacrifice your life for sweet Sofiya out there.”
My pulse took off. Was that a threat?
“Offering up yourself took courage and a heavy dose of recklessness. I know you're mouthy and fickle and you wear your feelings on your sleeve. I also know you prefer comfort and simplicity.”
He pointed the blade at my feet. “You're wearing the boots you came here with.”
“Why are you telling me all this?” Fae couldn't lie but I was having trouble accepting his words.
“Because I liked it. Was insanely attracted to it. I intend to explore that attraction,” he vowed, putting the dagger back in its new sheath.
“You don't have my permission to touch me.”
“I don't need it, little hellion. I'm the fucking king.”
I jumped to my feet. “No.”
He pushed off the wall in a fluid motion and prowled toward me, eyes gleaming. “Shall we see if I can change your mind?”
I held still as he approached, refusing to be cowed. Nox might be king, but I would never bend to his will. Not for this. Not even if it meant losing my life.
“You're welcome to try.” I met his gaze without flinching. “But you'll find I'm not so easily swayed.”
Nox's smile turned predatory. “All the more enjoyable when I convince you.”
He reached out to caress my cheek, but I turned my head away. His hand dropped and anger flashed in his eyes. I had offended his pride.
I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to give him an inch. “Are we done here, King?”
“Careful,” Nox warned, voice dropping to a dangerous purr.
When his eyes dropped to the cleavage of my chest I dropped my arms. He growled and jerked me against him.
I stiffened, heart pounding as Nox leaned in close. His enticing scent enveloped me. I clenched my jaw to stop from inhaling any more of the spicy drug.