“Fuck, Aeryn. Stop. Just for a minute, stop.”

I pushed up enough to look at his face.

Nox was silent for a long moment. Then, “My family line carries the blood of the umbral line of baast fae. The ability manifests differently in each generation. For example, in me, it allows me to sense others like me before they come into their power.”

“What are you trying to tell me, Nox?”

He rolled me to my side and slipped out of bed. I finally saw every inch of him in all its masculine glory. Sinewy muscles from head to toe. The sleeve of tattoos covering his shoulder and arm, making him look even more intimidating and dangerous.

And his enormous erection. Hard and thick, every bit as virile as I'd imagined. The head was wide, the length pointing to the sky. I licked my lips, curious what it would feel like in my mouth. In my—

“Let me get this out, little menace, and if you still want it when I'm done you can have it.”

We were back to little menace. I sat up, keeping the sheet tucked around me. In his arms, I'd been brave. Across the distance from him, not so much.

Nox took a breath. “My beast didn't just recognize yours, Aeryn. When I kissed you, it decided your baast would be its mate.”

His declaration stole the oxygen from my lungs. The wild rose up and I could feel it looking out at the king, giving him its full attention.

“Its mate?” I whispered.

He gave me a sharp nod.

“You're saying we're mates, that your umbral decided because of some animal instinct?”

“Yes, but also because it sensed how much I desired you. When you came forward in the village square demanding I take you instead of Sofiya, something about you—you, Aeryn, not your baast—struck truer than any blade or arrow ever could have. I didn't understand it. Or react well to it. I experienced a moment where I was afraid all of my plans would be ruined. But I couldn't leave you there. I just couldn't. So I had Lorne and Liam toss you in the carriage, intending to figure it out later.”

I'd hated the rider for taking us both, for his harsh treatment. Yet, it was almost romantic, in some dark, warped way.

“Aeryn,” Nox said pointedly. “My umbral won't let you go once it's had you. Hell, I won't be able to let you leave me, either. If you cannot—”

“Show me.” The words were out before I could stop them.

Nox tilted his head in that way felines did when they were studying something, or listening especially hard. It was definitely more animal than fae and I wondered how I'd never noticed before.

He might kill me for it, but my gut said to show no mercy. “Go on, Your Majesty. Show me your kitty-kat.”

He eyed me, blatant need and desire written across his face. “That sounded very dirty, little hellion, and more like something I should be saying to you. But what my kitten wants, I intend for her to have.”

Nox took a deep breath and closed his eyes. At first, nothing seemed to happen. Then I noticed a sort of rippling around the edges of his body, like a heat mirage. It intensified until he appeared somehow less solid, as if seen through a veil.

His skin darkened, the slightest hint of extremely short fur covering him. His facial features grew more feline with sharp and edgy lines. His eyes narrowed and slanted. Muscles bulged and I swore his erection grew bigger.

Nothing else changed. He was still on two legs, still held the shape of a fae. It was like he was in costume. Or animal-like armor. Which, in a way it was.

When Nox opened his eyes again, they glowed with an eerie amber light. A chill raced down my spine at the sight of the umbral peering back at me.

I'd seen the beast in his eyes before, only I hadn't known it was real. He was frighteningly beautiful in this form. I wanted him. I wanted Nox and his beast.

I let the sheet fall to my hips. The umbral emitted a low vibration from its chest. Approval. I knew it was approval.

Suddenly Nox shifted back and gazed at me with such heat and raw affection it made my chest ache as much as my center.

“Are you mine, kitten?” he prowled back to the bed, stroking his cock provocatively.

The musky scent of his arousal filled my nose, earthy and masculine. I could imagine taking him in my mouth, imagine how it would feel to roll my tongue over the tip and taste him.

I licked my lips, and he groaned. I licked my lips again.