“You'll pay for that,” I said softly.

Her stick caught fire and the wild inside me snarled, clawing to get out, to rend and tear. I met Zoriyah's gaze and bared my teeth in a humorless smile. She'd made a mistake.

“Lorne, do not interfere,” I instructed, my voice susurrating like some untamed animal.

I didn't wait for his response. I gave into the wild.

An explosion of power burst out of my well-store, melting my bones and reshaping my body. Without care of what was happening, I embraced the magic, immediately stronger and surefooted.

Some other part of me, the part containing the wild, was in charge. My hands flexed and black claws sprang free.


Zoriyah's eyes widened. Too late, she realized she'd woken something far more dangerous than either of us understood. She rushed me.

I dodged and weaved, faster than she could track. My claws sliced through the air, raking across her arms, her legs, her face. She shrieked in fury and pain, flames bursting from her hands in a desperate bid to immolate me.

I knocked Zoriyah's staff aside and slammed into her, claws digging into her shoulders as we tumbled to the ground. She bucked and twisted, nearly throwing me off, but I sank my teeth into her neck. A gurgling scream escaped her, cut off by the blood filling her throat.

The taste of copper and death filled my mouth. I gagged but didn't release my hold, even as her struggles grew frantic. Her heart pounded against my chest like a trapped bird, exciting the predator I'd become.

Abruptly, she went still. I waited a long moment, senses straining, before I dared to move. Zoriyah stared up, a mask of hatred and fear etched onto her face as the light drained from her eyes.

Triumph and horror warred within me as I stared down at her body. I had won, but at what cost? I shook my head, trying to clear the red haze from my mind, but it clung stubbornly, urging me to claim my prize in the way of the beast.

I gawped at my furred arms and hands matted with dark liquid. I tried to release her shoulders but my claws were buried too deep. Bile rose in my throat.

Give me control, I beseeched.

The monstrous bipedal form melted away until I bent over Zoriyah's body in my own skin, drenched in her blood. Shame and revulsion twisted my insides as the implications of what I'd done sank in.

I'd killed her. I'd lost control and killed—

Pain exploded in my chest as Zoriyah's flaming hand punched through it. Agony consumed me, burning through muscle and bone. Unable to scream, I thrashed to get away, but I couldn't escape.

And then, blessed darkness.

I surfaced to the sensation of gentle hands combing through my hair. Murmured words filtered through the haze, a soothing cadence I couldn't quite make out.


I tried to open my eyes but only managed a pitiful moan. Everything was sore. Even drawing a breath sent fire through my lungs.

“Shh, don't try to move.” His touch withdrew and a cup was pressed to my lips. “Drink this. It will help with the pain.”

I obeyed without protest, too weak to do otherwise. The bitter draught slid down my throat and almost immediately the agony began to recede. I sighed in relief, relaxing into the softness beneath me.

A bed. I was in a bed.

Memory crashed over me in a wave of horror, of what I'd done.

I jerked upright with a gasp, staring wildly around. My hands flew to my torso, feeling for the hole and burnt skin. All I found was itchy flesh stretched tight.

Nox made a low, soothing sound, gathering me close. One hand stroked my hair while the other rubbed slow circles over my back. “Easy. You're safe, in my quarters.”

Tears stung my eyes. “I killed her,” I whispered. “I lost control and I—”

“No, Aeryn. You did what you had to do in order to survive. No one blames you for defending yourself, least of all me.”