“Hi, Professor Simmons,” Jen says as he turns our way.

She knows all about my massive crush on him and thinks she’s doing something by drawing attention to us when I would have scurried right by with my head down.

“Hello, ladies,” he answers, his slow smile giving me a little thrill.

His eyes, the color of shadows and storms, pass over each of us. I want to think they linger on me a little longer than on Jen, then feel foolish. Wishful thinking, and if I continue down that path too long, I’ll really be having second thoughts about the auction.

“What are you reading today?” she asks him.

I want to kick her. Why can’t we just keep walking? Although, as long as we’re here I may as well enjoy the view. He’s got on one of his perfectly fitting designer suits, his slightly messy hair incongruous next to the formality of his crisp, dark blue tie. He reaches to point out a row of paperbacks above the magazines and I feel my mouth start to water when his jacket hitches up a bit to reveal a very firm ass.

I hope I can get this worked up for whoever wins me tomorrow night.

“My latest just came out in paperback,” he said, rolling his eyes as if it’s no big deal.

Of course, I already knew that. I have bought all of his books the moment they have come out for the last five years and usually binge them in a day.

“Oh my gosh, I loooove your books,” Jen says. She’s lying, she has never read a sci-fi book in her life, and usually relentlessly makes fun of me for reading them. “I’ll have to buy it when I get paid next week,” she adds.

He makes a little rumbling noise and snaps one of the books out of the stack, waving it at the guy behind the counter. After he pays for it, he starts to hand it to Jen, but she gushingly asks him to sign it. I’m mortified by her behavior, but my eyes cross a little when he reaches into his inside jacket pocket, pushing the lapels away enough that I get a nice view of his broad chest and flat stomach. My eyes keep going lower against my will and it’s all I can do to keep from sucking in a breath at the very nice bulge against his flat front suit pants.

He gives Jen the signed copy, tells us to have a good day and moves hurriedly down the sidewalk in the opposite direction, probably trying to get away from Jen’s fake fangirl act.

“What the hell was that?” I hiss.

She slaps the book into my hand. “There you go,” she says, pleased with herself. “A signed copy from your dream man.”

I tell her to shut up, insisting my crush is long over since I never see him anymore, but then I give in to her good-natured teasing and laugh, hugging the book to my chest. I can’t wait to add it to my Lost Moon collection.

“If Professor Simmons wanted to take my virginity, I’d definitely give it away for free.”

We both end up in a fit of giggles, since he’s much too stuffy and uptight. He’d never dream of dating a student. When we find our bus stop, one is just rolling up and we get on. She starts scrolling on her phone as we inch through the city traffic and I flip to the back of the book, hoping for an updated picture of Professor Simmons to moon over for the next twenty blocks.

There he is, just as handsome in grainy black and white. I shouldn’t be thinking about him at all with the auction looming. There’s no way someone as handsome and virile as him will bid on me, so there’s no point in getting my hopes up. Ultimately it doesn’t matter.

It’s just one night and it will give me the life I’ve always wanted.

Chapter 2


What in the hell is my wild girl up to now?

From the moment Faye first took her seat in my introduction to astronomy course last year, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Those two days a week during that semester had been the most distracted I’d ever been. Her big green eyes were always so full of interest, her long red hair fell in waves down her shoulders to settle on the rounded crests of her ripe little tits.

For three hours every week, I’d be tormented by her crossing and uncrossing her legs beneath her desk. I wanted to shove the desk aside, kneel down in front of her and part those smooth, slender thighs and dive between them. She’d gnaw on her lush lower lip when she didn’t understand something and I’d have the nearly uncontrollable urge to tug her head back and force my tongue between them, kissing her senseless in front of everyone.

If she’d taken the second level astronomy class I also teach, I might be out of a job by now, finding a reason to call her into my office, then bending her over my desk and really teaching her a thing or two. Since she’s an art major, she didn’t have space for the second year class in her course load. A shame considering she was one of my most eager students, but at least the weekly temptation left with her and my job is secure.

I should have been able to shake my obsession with her beautiful smile, infectious laugh, and her perfect, fuckable body. I’m on my way to having tenure, which means an easy street in the academic world. I’ve written three books to great public and critical acclaim. I have hobbies, friends, and a full life. I should have forgotten about Faye in the first week after she was done with my class. After all, I’d never felt anything like that raw, intoxicating passion for any other student.

Faye was different.

The passion never died out. In fact, it only grew. Since I couldn’t do anything about it but watch her, at least not until she graduated and was no longer a student at my university, that’s what I started to do.

For the last year I’ve been following my fearless girl. Most of the time it’s enough, but sometimes I wonder if having her would be worth losing my career and reputation. Especially on days like today when I see her in the shortest skirt with the biggest smile on her face.

She and her friend just emerged from the Black Door, and I am desperate to learn more about it. The exclusive club doesn’t even have a sign, but I’ve heard about it from one of the owners of my publishing company. Is Faye applying to be a cocktail server? She seemed pretty giddy for something so mundane, though I imagine the tips are pretty good at such a high end place. I have to know what she’s up to, so I give him a call.