Page 25 of The Jester


Everything is not all right.

Somehow, Eldrion knew these were mine. Suddenly, the fabric feels rough and heavy against my skin. Because if Eldrion knew they were mine, that means he knew me before he bought me.

Chapter Eleven


The Grand Hall thrums with anticipation. Opulent shadows flicker in the candlelight, and it is all so different and so far away from the forests of the Leafborne that my soul feels like crying.

I am standing amongst a sea of Sunborne fae from the citadel. Gathered together like this, their magic is palpable. I felt it as I walked through the streets towards Eldrion’s castle. But now they are pressed together, at least one hundred bodies filling the throne room with huge wings and even bigger egos, their strength so noticeable it brings beads of sweat to the back of my neck.

I always wondered why the Sunborne considered themselves so superior to other fae. Despite reading about arcane magic, and mind magic, and all the other kinds of magic the Sunborne possess, I still didn’t fully understand.

Here, now, I do.

For – even with the gates of my empathy sealed tightly – I can tell that their magic is different from elemental magic. It is stronger, and more dangerous, and it fights against the very air itself.

Leafborne fae might be able to control the air if they are so aligned, but there are Sunborne here who could extinguish the air completely. Who could make the universe implode if that is what they chose. It is a miracle they do not, and it makes me wonder what power Eldrion must possess that he is able to rule over them all the way he does.

At my side, Briony tugs on my sleeve. I glance at her, adjusting my gloves and trying not to let the significance of Eldrion’s gift creep insidiously into my consciousness.

If he is playing games, I will not join in. I will not be manipulated.

“There will be a performance,” Briony whispers. “Then the feast.”

“How often does this happen?”

Briony shrugs. “Whenever Eldrion feels he has something to celebrate.”

I wrap my arms around myself and rub my forearms. A shiver runs through me, and I have no idea whether it is because of the poison that still lurks in my veins or in anticipation of the night to come.

“He is not bringing the others to watch?” I ask, scanning the room even though I know I will not see any sign of a Leafborne in the crowd.

“No, only you.” Briony looks away from me and nods towards the centre of the room.

Usually, when I am in a crowd, I am noticed, stared at, backed away from. But at this moment, all eyes are drawn in the same direction. Waiting for the entertainment to begin.

“Why is Eldrion allowing me to walk free like this?” I whisper.

Briony simply shrugs. “He knows you can’t escape,” she says. “There are eyes on you. Always. Remember that.”

Before I can reply, darkness descends further, then a spotlight appears.

A figure emerges. His bare feet caress the stone floor silently as he strides into view, positioning himself in the centre of the spotlight as if he is presenting himself for our appraisal.

He is tall and slender, with the physique of an athlete, not a fighter. Cords of muscle run in rivulets down his arms, and beneath a black leather mask, he wears charcoal around his dark brown eyes.

Those eyes... I feel the urge to move closer.

“That’s Finn,” Briony says. “Eldrion’s favourite jester. His only jester since the others were...” She hesitates and glances at me. “Executed.”

“Executed?” The word thickens on my tongue.

“They were no longer to his liking,” Briony replies, hugging her waist as if she is very keenly aware that this could be her fate too if she displeases the man who owns her.

In front of us, the jester reaches up, grasping a length of black rope that dangles from the high ceiling. With a powerful leap, he swings himself upwards, his body twisting and contorting in mid-air as he climbs higher and higher.