"Speak," Carver commanded, an unspoken threat hanging in the air.
The second man swallowed hard, finally finding his voice. "We didn't know it was your territory. We thought it was unclaimed."
"Unclaimed?" My father scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "You think I would allow any part of my city to go unprotected? You must take me for an amateur."
"We thought that if we only took a little piece, you'd never notice," the tall one said, his voice wavering, "we're only trying to make a living."
"What kind of living," I said, getting up and moving around the table towards them, "are you making peddling shit like that?"
Again they hesitated, but I could see the tall one had recovered his nerve, despite the growing panic in his eyes. He glared up at me.
"I don't know who you are," he said, his voice shaking, "but we're in the Bates family. You can't just take us captive in here and make us—"
"You don't know who I am?" I asked, my voice a low growl. "I'm fucking Nate Carver, you little shit. Now you're gonna tell me what you brought into our city, and who said you could."
I knew the moment the shorter one recognised me because he shrank away and began to mutter under his breath.
"Oh shit, he's the fucking Beast, oh shit, oh shit..."
"Shut up!" hissed the taller one. He turned back to me and tried to look me in the eye. It was laughable, being that he was a good seven inches shorter than me.
"You think you're so fucking untouchable, but you're done in this city. The Bates are taking over, and you won't know what's fucking hit you. I'd be surprised if you lasted the week."
I looked back over at my father who sat there, his expression calculating. After a moment, he sighed.
"I feel our Bates friends need to receive a clear message about what happens when they push their luck like this. Nathaniel, if you wouldn't mind?"
I nodded and turned back to the tall guy.
"I ain't no fucking message boy," he growled at me.
I grinned. "No, you're not." I reached out and grabbed his collar, pulling him in close as I brought my face down to his. I jerked my head at the shorter guy. "He's the messenger. You're the fucking message."
I waited until my words hit home and the cocky look on the idiot's face slid away, revealing the more appropriate fear on his face. He stumbled back, catching himself just before he fell. His eyes were wide with terror as he tried to move away, but Rico stepped forward and blocked his path. I slowly circled around him as he trembled, my fists clenched tight in anticipation of what was to come, pulled back my fist and punched him hard across the face, sending him crashing backwards into Rico, who grabbed him and shoved him back towards me.
I grabbed hold of his shirt with one hand and punched him again. This time I felt his nose shatter, and he cried out as the blood streamed down his face. He pulled away, twisting to the side away from me and from Rico, but I dragged him back, hitting him in the face again and again, pummelling it until it was nothing more than a bloody mess. He dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, groaning in pain as he tried to crawl away. But I wasn't done yet - not by a long shot. I followed him down, straddling his chest as he squirmed beneath me, trying to escape my grasp.
I continued my onslaught mercilessly, taking my time to ensure that every blow landed precisely where it needed to for maximum damage, feel bones break under my blows, until finally his screams ceased and he just lay there, blood bubbling from his mouth.
When I had finished I stood up straight and looked around at the men who had been watching calmly throughout all this. They nodded their approval before turning their gaze back towards Carver who was still sitting there expressionless. Carver gave me a sharp nod, and I immediately moved to the side so he could address the shorter man who had been standing there petrified throughout the whole ordeal.
"You," my father said calmly, "will deliver our message." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Nathaniel."
His eyes met mine and I nodded. I turned towards the shorter man and stepped forward. He looked up at me, eyes wide with fear, and for a moment, I felt sorry for him. Only for a moment though.
His eyes flicked to the lifeless body of his companion, then back to me.
"I thought I was the messenger," he pleaded.
"You are," I replied, a cold smile spreading across my face. "But who said you need to be able to walk to deliver a message?"
He trembled, his eyes wide with terror as I closed the distance between us, my every step echoing ominously in the silent room. I could see the realisation dawn in his eyes, and could almost taste his fear. It was intoxicating, heady, a reminder of the power I wielded. The Bates family had crossed a line, and they needed to know the price of their folly.
This time, I pulled out my knife, its gleaming blade reflecting the dim lamplight of the room. The man's eyes widened, his breath hitching as he took in the sight of the weapon.
"Please..." he begged. I loved it when they begged.
"Go back to your family. Tell them to stay off our territory."