Page 59 of Deadmen's Captive

“So I found out a couple of more things about the guys, less well known stuff.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, so the first thing is that Nate had an older brother who died when Nate was a kid.”

“Oh that’s awful,” I said.

“He drowned apparently. Some accident when the boys were out playing near the lake on their estate. Apparently Nate went a bit psycho afterwards and got sent to some psychiatric institute.”

“Wow, well, I guess it would be seriously traumatic losing your brother like that, especially as a kid. Poor guy.” I thought back to the night of the induction, the way he’d cared for me. He might be tough on the outside, but underneath he was as soft as anybody.

“Don’t poor guy him yet. There’s more.”


“Yes, when the guys turned sixteen, the three of them were kidnapped.”

“What?” I froze.

“It was quite the scandal. Apparently all three of them were taken from a party at Nate’s house, and they were missing for five days. Something to do with a pissed off business rival, the newspapers said, but when they turned up, Nate had to go back to the psych hospital for two years.”

“That’s horrendous. All three of them? No wonder they’re so close, they went through something terrifying together. Tristan told me he considers them family. I bet that’s why.”

“Paige, I'm starting to get worried about you being around these guys. Even if they are completely harmless, tragedy seems to follow them around.”

“Kate, it happened when they were kids, not now." I tried to keep the tension out of my voice. "I understand you're worried. But they've been nothing but nice to me. I can take care of myself, you know. I’m not completely helpless." I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, taking the towel she passed me. I wrapped it around myself and grabbed another for my hair.

"I never said you were," she replied, closing her laptop and standing up. "But these guys... they sound dangerous, Paige. And we don't even know who sent the doll."

I sighed, moving back into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed and running my hands through my damp hair. The boys were dark and edgy, but they weren't evil.

"You didn’t see how Tristan was with me that night we went out," I said, my voice soft. "He's a good guy, Kate. They all are."

"Maybe," she allowed after a pause. "But you can't deny that they're involved in some pretty shady stuff."

"But that doesn't mean they're bad people," I argued.

Kate sighed. "Alright, fine," she agreed reluctantly. "But promise me you'll be careful around them."

"I promise," I replied, standing up to get dressed.

"And if anything weird happens," she added, pointing a finger at me. "You tell me immediately."

"Cross my heart," I promised. “But I think you're overthinking this. They’re quirky, sure. And yes, they've been through some stuff, but aren't we all damaged in some way?"

"Some more than others," Kate replied softly. She reached over, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently. "Just be careful, okay? I don't like this club or whatever it is - but I like you being scared even less."

“I will be careful. Now, I need to get ready.”

“Fine, but take that doll and stick it in the outdoor bins,” said Kate, picking up her laptop and heading to the door. “It freaks me out just knowing it’s in the building.”

“You and me both,” I agreed.

Chapter Twenty Five


How could you do this to me Paige? I was angry enough when you started dating that playboy, but even after he pulled that stupid stunt with you at the ball, you continue to see him. And now, I’m seeing you spending time with his friends too. Are you fucking him Paige? Are you fucking all of them? No, no I refuse to believe it. You wouldn’t do that to me, Paige. I know you wouldn’t.