Page 23 of Deadmen's Captive

“Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking how lucky Rosa is to have a big brother who watches out for her like you do.”

“Well, sure. She’s my sister. And no one messes with people I care about, Paige.” His voice took on a serious note, and for a moment, something flashed across his eyes that made me think there was more to Tristan than this laid back version he showed everyone.

“Now, enough about me. Tell me more about you. I want to know everything.”

“Everything? That might take a while,” I laughed.

He smiled, reaching out and covering my hand with his own. His fingers were warm and he drew his thumb gently over my wrist, sending tingles over my skin.

“I’ve got nothing planned for the rest of the day.”

He hadn’t been joking. By the time we left the coffee shop, my watch showed we’d sat in there for four hours, talking and laughing about everything from favourite music and films, to books and artists. He was so easy to talk to and he made me laugh. He’d also refused to let me pay for any of the drinks we’d had.

As we left the coffee shop, Tristan locked his eyes with mine, a curious hint of amusement playing in his gaze. "I've never spent four hours in a coffee shop before," he said.

“Sorry,” I said, glancing down.

“Hey,” he said, his voice warm. I looked up into his blue eyes, and he reached up, brushing away a lock of hair from my face as the cold winter wind whipped around us. “Don’t apologise. I really enjoyed it, and I hardly ever get to do stuff like that.”

“Me neither,” I said, smiling at him.

“Well, then we definitely need to do it again,” he said.

We headed back to Tristan’s car and I found myself blushing as Tristan's hand brushed against mine. I thought he might try and hold my hand, but he didn’t, and I felt the tiniest bit of disappointment.

As we approached his car, Tristan's jovial demeanour slipped away like night giving way to dawn. He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes fixed on the side of his car where someone had scored deep gouges into the glossy paint.

"What the--" Tristan began, but he seemed to choke on his words, his face paling slightly.

“Oh no, Tristan. has someone caught it with their bag or something?” I asked in dismay, looking at the damage to his beautiful car.

Tristan didn't answer immediately. He traced the jagged line with his fingertips, a muscle twitching in his jaw. ”No, someone did this on purpose,” he said, eyes now cold as he glanced around the square.

“Who would have done something like this though?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Everyone has enemies Paige. Sometimes it just comes down to pure jealousy.” He sighed, and turned to me. “Never mind, I’ll get it fixed, and I’m not going to let it ruin a perfect afternoon.”

His gaze softened as he looked at me, the anger briefly flickering in his eyes replaced by something else – warmth, amusement. "Sometimes you have to deal with the bad to appreciate the good," he said.

He moved closer, looking down at me, his smile soft. “And you, Paige Matthews, are very good.” His hand came up and gently cupped my cheek. My heart stuttered at the intimate gesture, and I found myself leaning into his touch slightly.

“I like you, Paige. Very much.”

“I like you too,” I said, and I meant it. I did like him, despite everything I knew about him.

He leaned closer, and my heart started to beat even harder, as his gaze dropped to my mouth.

“Paige,” he murmured.


“Can I kiss you?”

My breath caught in my throat, but I managed to nod briefly, before his lips touched mine, and all rational thought flew out of my mind.

The kiss was gentle, almost tentative. His lips against mine felt warm and inviting, leaving me breathless. He pulled back slightly, scanning my face with his eyes as if checking my reaction. Seeing no resistance in my face, he pulled me closer again, deepening the kiss. His hands circled around my waist pulling our bodies close together. I could feel the heat radiating off him and hear the soft sound of his breath intermingling with mine.

My hands found their way into his hair, pulling him closer as sensations I had never felt before washed over me. Tristan was an amazing kisser and any doubts I had previously about him started to fade away. Despite the rumours and warnings, I found myself surrendering to the moment, to Tristan's kisses.