A coldness spread through me that I couldn’t explain. I’d had more red envelopes under the door, each more worrying than the last. Someone was watching me everywhere I went, and now Tristan knew I had been working out last night. He definitely hadn’t been at the gym, I would have noticed.
Tristan frowned. “How do I… oh! My housemate was there last night and he mentioned seeing you. Nate Carver.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know anyone called Nate.”
“Oh you wouldn’t miss him. He’s fucking huge, tattooed and more muscles than Mr Universe.”
Shit. Nate Carver was my tattooed rescuer. The one I’d pissed off. And he was apparently Tristan’s housemate. What were the odds of that? But that also meant, Tristan wasn’t my mystery watcher. I was part relieved, and part more worried. Tristan seemed harmless, but this secret guy, I had no idea about.
“Yes, I think I saw him,” I said, looking up at the menu to avoid meeting Tristan’s eyes. “I think I annoyed him.”
“Nah, you won't have done. Nate’s just always got the dark, grumpy brooding thing about him. It's a shame really…”
“What’s a shame?”
“I bet he could use it to get all the girls' attention if he worked it properly, but he’s never interested. That’s what girls like, isn’t it? Dark and brooding?” Tristan’s gaze met mine and he grinned, but I got the feeling there was more to the question. Was he asking what I liked? I had no idea. I got the feeling he was flirting with me. My mother had drilled me about it, but I’d never really experienced it myself. I needed to flirt back, if I was to do what she wanted.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I said, looking up through my lashes. “I’m not sure dark and brooding are my thing. I prefer a guy who takes care of me, who can make me laugh.”
“Well, that’s good to know. I can work with that.” Tristan winked at me, and I felt relief. I was doing ok so far.
“Ok, you tempted me, I’ll take the regular coffee and a slice of rainbow cake.”
“Good girl, that’s what I like to hear,” he said.
I blushed at his words, and reached for my purse.
“I’ll get these,” he said, getting up from his seat.
“You can get them next time,” he said.
I watched him as he moved towards the counter, lost in thought again. He wanted there to be a next time? My stomach fluttered at the thought. I couldn’t help but find Tristan extremely attractive. His confidence, his charm... It was all very alluring and new to me. I reminded myself not to get carried away. I had to remember what he was known for and not let myself be just another name on his long list of girls.
The cafe was warm and homey, filled with the intoxicating scent of ground coffee beans and fresh pastries. As we sipped our drinks, Tristan leaned back, his eyes studying me carefully.
“So, tell me about your family, Paige?”
Great. The one thing I didn’t want to talk about. It would look odd if I didn’t though, so I forced a smile.
“Not much to tell, there’s just me, my Mum and Dad. What about you, any siblings?”
Tristan smiled and his eyes lit up. “Yes, Mum and Dad, but also my little sister Rosa. She’s sixteen now, but we’re really close. I text her most days. Here.”
He leaned forward holding his phone, showing me a photo of him with a pretty girl with light brown hair and brown eyes standing on a pier, the sea in the background.
“She looks nice,” I said. “Were you on holiday?”
Tristan nodded, tucking his phone away. “Yes, last summer, though it wasn’t our main holiday, but we have friends who have a beach house in Cornwall and we get to use it whenever they aren’t. Rosa and I spent a couple of weeks there with some friends. Nate was there too.”
“I can’t see Nate in swimming trunks on the beach,” I admitted.
Tristan laughed. “No, he prefers to hike and go climbing when we’re down there, but the parties we had were the thing of legend. Totally scandalous!”
I grinned at him, feeling myself relax the more we talked. I had thought he’d be completely superficial, but as he continued to tell me about his family, and their holidays, I found myself really liking him. He seemed so genuine, it was hard to see him as the billionaire womaniser Kate had warned me about. And he really seemed to adore his little sister. I wondered briefly what my life might have been like if I'd had an older brother like Tristan. He would have protected me from my mother and father, of that I had no doubt.
“You ok, Paige? You’ve gone quiet. Am I talking too much?” he seemed concerned, and the idea made me feel warm inside.