Page 46 of Abel (5th Street 4)

After getting ready, she grabbed her purse and keys, texted Sam Roni’s address, and then called Roni to let her in on her plans. Only she told her she was really nervous about her outfit, so she was having him pick her up at Roni’s house because she wanted a second opinion.

The knot was still firmly at her throat, but she refused to shed even one more tear for Abel or any man. She took a deep breath. No more feeling sorry for herself, ever. She made that promise to herself a while back, and she’d almost broken it today. Never again.


It was too odd that Nellie hadn’t responded to any of his texts all day. He’d texted her to tell her he’d be at her place later than he had planned. He had to go home and pack first. Then he told Noah he’d come by and check out his motorcycle. It was his original Ninja, one he refused to get rid of even though he could afford much better now. He said it held too many memories. Abel had laughed when Noah admitted that Roni was refusing to let him ride it until he had it completely overhauled. Doing so would cost him way more than the bike was worth, so Abel told him not to. He’d come by and check it out.

Now he had a very bad feeling in his gut. He’d had it almost the entire day. This was exactly why he hated the f**king media. Before Andy even left the gym that morning, he’d laughed, cheerfully showing Abel the photos of him and Rachel. “You’re trending again on Twitter.”

Of course, to Andy this was a good thing. He had no idea how much that had sunk Abel’s insides. If Nellie saw the photos of him and Rachel just minutes after he’d left her place, he knew she’d be thinking the worst. Given their stupid agreement, he couldn’t even try to explain. She’d tell him he didn’t have to and maybe even infuriatingly remind him again of how great she was with this arrangement.

It was subtle, but when he’d arrived at Noah’s, he picked up on Roni’s chilly reception. Nellie had obviously told her about the night they’d spent together, and he knew the photos and stories of him and Rachel had already gone viral. Noah telling Roni that Rachel was someone he’d bagged was sure to only make things worse. This made the brick sitting heavily in his gut heavier. He now knew what he feared most. Nellie knew and for all he tried to convey to her last night and when he’d made love to her again this morning—when he told her he couldn’t get enough of her—it was probably all down the toilet now. She probably thought him full of shit.

Noah glanced up at the back door as Roni closed it behind her. She’d come out to bring them each bottled waters, but again she’d been a bit on the cold side with Abel. Abel downed half the bottle just before replacing the final sparkplug on the Ninja. He glanced at Noah, not sure if he should address it. He didn’t have to because Noah addressed it for him.

“She just hates the whole situation, man. Don’t take it too personally. She’ll get over it.” He shrugged. “Nellie is the only family she had before me—before us. She never had this group thing that we brought into her life. She loves it, and she’s terrified that things are gonna change. More than anything, she’s afraid of Nellie getting hurt again, but I keep telling her you two are good with the way things are. Hell, Nellie’s out on a date again right now. I think with the same guy from Friday night. But even that has her worried.”

Abel stared at Noah, feeling every hair on his body go on alert. He was dying to ask, but he knew he shouldn’t. It was impossible not to care now. She was out on f**king date again? After last night? This morning? It took everything in him as he stood slowly not to pick up Noah’s bike and slam it back down on the ground. Instead, he took another long slow drink, nearly finishing his water bottle.

He didn’t dare make eye contact with Noah for fear he’d see the rage in his eyes. They both turned when they saw the Town Car pull up at the end of Noah’s driveway. A guy got out of the far side and came around to open the door on the near side. Abel almost looked away until he realized the girl exiting the car in the hot dress and three inch heels was Nellie.

Feeling his insides instantly ablaze, he stared at her hard as she smiled at the guy who helped her out then said something to him. The guy had his back to Abel and Noah, so Abel couldn’t see his face, but if he had to guess this wasn’t Logan. This guy was way bigger and taller than he remembered Logan being. So this was another guy?

And then it happened. She kissed him. It wasn’t a long kiss by any means, barely a peck on the lips, but it was enough to have Abel slamming his water bottle in the nearby trashcan not giving a f**k what Noah or anyone thought anymore and charging down the driveway.

Chapter 13

For a moment, Abel thought the growl he’d heard had come from deep inside him because he sure as hell felt like growling, until Noah leaped in front of him, and he realized it’d come from his friend. Just like Abel, Noah looked ready to spit. “Damn it, Abel!” he said, shoving his chest with both hands. “Don’t you f**king do this! You said you had your shit under control.” Noah shoved his hand in the air, now pointing toward his house. “My wife has lost sleep over this. And I knew it. I knew it. God damn it! I knew it the day I told you about her date, and I knew it this whole past week when you walked around looking ready to detonate.”

The only reason Abel didn’t shove past Noah was because Nellie had already gone in the house and the guy she’d just kissed was long gone. “I will not let you do this.” Noah said almost through his teeth. “Do you hear me? Either you talk to her and tell her how you’re feeling or you suck it up.”