Page 15 of Abel (5th Street 4)

Abel slowed just before entering the gym. “Coordinating?” He couldn’t help smiling. “I think I may know someone who’d be perfect for the job.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, and I’d feel better because I know this person. I wouldn’t be out there with someone I’ve never met.”

“Cool, give me a number and name and I’ll get on it.”

“Nah,” Abel opened the door to gym and started in. “I got this. I’ll call you when I know for sure and give you whatever details you need.”


After Abel had worked two hours on his speed, rhythm, and timing on the speed bag, Gio forced him to take a break. “Take fifteen, and then I’ll meet you in the ring for some sparring.” Gio said, already pulling out his phone.

Abel headed for his locker with one thing in on his mind. Nellie’s breakfast date should be over by now. If it wasn’t, he was interrupting it. This Logan guy had had her long enough. “Time’s up,” he muttered as he pulled his own phone out of his locker.

When he asked for her number on the cruise, he played it down, saying he just wanted to be able to give her a heads up before dropping by her place if he ever did. He even threw in a mention of “in case you’re not alone” as if that would be a non-issue. At the time, it was the truth. He hadn’t wanted her to get the idea that he was anticipating this turning into anything more than what it was—a convenient and uncomplicated arrangement between two consenting adults. Even after feeling what he had that morning, he still wasn’t sure.

He was, however, beginning to understand why Noah had so easily overlooked the age difference with Roni. From the very first time he’d been with Nellie on the cruise—in that vending machine room where he’d taken her against the door—she’d felt just as young as any girl he’d ever been with. And ironically, even though she’d been the only divorcee he’d ever been with, judging by her reaction to some of the things he’d done to her so far, she was far less experienced than most. Sure she was more mature and classier than just about any girl he’d been with, but that was a positive, not a negative.

There was also something about the way she clung to him when he held her. It made her feel so vulnerable; although, her personality and demeanor were just the opposite. Most notably, Abel was surprised that it didn’t scare him. He didn’t quite understand it, but there was something about it he actually liked. After hearing her reiterate how great she was with their arrangement then feeling what he’d felt this morning while she was on the phone, it was almost comforting to know that maybe she was feeling more than she was admitting.

One thing he was sure of was the phone call he was about to make. This was business, and as much as having Nellie to himself for a few days was the biggest motivator here, he also had another reason. This morning was a wakeup call. Noah might’ve actually been right to worry. If he’d felt what he had from the mere possibility that she was having breakfast with another man, he couldn’t imagine how he’d react if he knew she was sleeping with someone else. Shaking his head in frustration, he had to admit that this could pull the plug on what he hoped would last much longer. The last thing he needed was for what Noah was afraid of to happen. He’d snap and everything would change.

This was almost as motivating as being with Nellie for a few days. Almost. He wanted to establish their working relationship. So if he did have to pull the plug on their extracurricular activities, this part of their relationship was set and would remain as it was, regardless.

She answered on the first ring. Abel got right to what he really wanted to know. “Hey, you busy?”

“Uh . . . no, not really. Give me a sec,” she said to someone then . . . was that a giggle? And most notably why did it have him clenching his teeth and instantly heating his insides. “I was just hanging out. What’s going on?”

Hanging out? Abel took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, hating to admit now that Noah was absolutely right. “Not sure how busy you are this week but I’m in need of some coordinating for an event I’ll be doing in San Francisco.”


“Yeah, it’s a charity run I’m doing. It’s just a 5k, but Andy was supposed to be there with me to make sure everything goes smoothly with the reporters and all that. It’s gotten so crazy lately. He’ll be stuck in New York for a few days, so he was trying to come up with someone who might take his place, and I figured since you’re good at that stuff maybe you could come with me.”

She was quiet for a moment then infuriatingly burst into laughter. “I know, honey, just give me a sec.”

Honey? “Who are you with?” he asked his tone far more demanding than he’d intended, and the worst part was that, at that moment, he didn’t even care.

Next came what sounded like her kissing someone and Abel’s frozen insides were completely on fire now. “I met with Roni and Little Jack after breakfast at the mall. We’re doing some shopping, and Roni’s in the dressing room right now. Jack is a handful, let me tell you.” She laughed. “But he’s also hilarious and adorable.” There were more kissing sounds, and then he heard Jack laughing. “And he’s just so lovable I wanna squeeze him to death.” There were a few more exaggerated kissing sounds until Jack squealed and Nellie laughed again. “I’m sorry, Abel. I was just keeping him busy until Roni was out, but she’s done now. So San Francisco, huh? Which days?”