Page 73 of Abel (5th Street 4)

“What was that about?” Abel asked curiously.

Hector shook his head, forcing a smile as he approached Abel and Gio. “All day, they’ve been airing McKinley’s obnoxious rants, and those idiots . . .” He pointed over his shoulder back in the direction of the guys for whom he’d just ripped a new one. “They know better than to be watching the clips in here on their phones.”

Turning back to Gio, Abel smirked. His brother—forever the hothead. “Yeah, so what’s McKinley been saying?”

“Don’t worry about that,” Noah said, walking up to them. “Focus on this.”

Noah pointed at Gio then gave Hector an irritated look. He was probably mad that he’d even brought it up. Abel understood all too clearly. He remembered back when Noah was still dating Roni. Hector had some not so good news about her that Abel knew would piss Noah off. They waited until after the fight to tell him because they didn’t want it to affect his fight. Then it hit him. Why Hector was so pissed about the guys watching the clips there and what was the tension he’d felt when he first walked in.

“He’s not still badmouthing Nellie, is he?”

“No,” Noah said a little too quickly. “Now focus here.” Noah touched the pad on Gio's hand. “Right here is where your head should be.”

Just the thought of that ass**le McKinley trashing Nellie on television pissed him off so much that he landed a hard one on Gio’s pad—a lot harder than Gio was expecting because it threw him off balance.

“You see?” Noah urged now. “This is why you don’t think about any of that shit before the fight. It’ll make you sloppy—throw you off your game. It’s what they want, Abel. It’s their only hope. You know this.”

“Yeah,” Hector quickly agreed, the look on his face a clear indication of the regret he felt now for having even brought up the subject.

With a deep breath, Abel brought his attention back to the pads and started the drills again, this time holding back the rage that his fists wanted to unleash. He’d save it for the ring. He didn’t even have to know what that idiot must be saying to know that he already wanted to knock him on his ass, but Noah was right. If he didn’t focus, he’d be a mess—forget about his strategy and go in there ready to kill. That would never work. He needed to focus.

To add to the tension he’d felt from the moment he walked in today, he was beginning to worry about Nellie. She should’ve been there by now. They were minutes from walking out. She wouldn’t be taking the walk out to the ring with him, but he wanted her here while he warmed up. He wanted her by his side until the very last moment.

Andy wasn’t anywhere around now. Abel could only hope he was out doing what he’d asked him to do earlier—go back and get her from the hotel. He’d hate to think maybe she’d gotten mobbed and that’s why it was taking her so long to get there.

Still wearing his gloves, he asked Hector to get Nellie on the phone for him. Again Hector and Noah exchanged glances. “All right, what’s going on?” he asked, suspiciously and more irritated now that he might not see her before the fight. “You two know something I don’t?”

Both shook their heads, but neither would make eye contact with him. Abel turned to Gio, who quickly glanced away. “This is ridiculous. What is it? Hammerhead laying it on thick about Nellie, and you guys think I can’t handle it? I know he’s an ass**le.” He clenched his jaw, remembering the filthy words McKinley had spat at him last night. “How bad can it be?”

Again they were all silent, and the whole room seemed to hush entirely. Abel glanced around at everyone in the room. Not one of them would look him in the eye.

“She’s not answering,” Hector said, breaking the silence in the room.

“Get the monitor in here,” he ordered loudly to no one in particular, but no one moved.

“No,” Noah finally spoke. “You don’t wanna do that.”

“I do.” Abel insisted.

“You don’t. Trust—”

“The hell I don’t!” Abel barked, silencing the room once again.

Turning very specifically this time to one of the newer trainers from 5th Street, who was lucky to be there, he pointed. “Cuen, go get that monitor.”

Noah held out his hand to a very wide-eyed Cuen, who stopped at the sight of it. “It’s nothing but a bunch of bullshit, Abel,” Noah urged. “Nothing but shit that’s gonna get you all riled up right before the fight. Watch it after!”

His words pleaded, and Abel nearly gave in until the door opened, getting all their attention. Andy walked in with a stunned expression when he realized everyone was staring at him.

“Where is she?” Abel asked immediately.

“Nellie? I don’t know. She didn’t answer the door at the hotel. She’s not answering her phone. I even called Roni—”

“You called Roni?” Noah asked suddenly.

“Well, yeah,” Andy said. “I knew this guy was gonna be worried, so I called to ask her if she’d seen or heard from her.”

“What did she say?” Abel asked, taking a few steps forward.

“She hasn’t heard from her either.” Andy motioned with his hand. “It’s almost show time.”

Abel turned back Cuen. “Get the monitor.”

Something was up. Nellie wouldn’t have just disappeared.