One week ago…
The weather has turned from the hope of spring to the reminder of winter. The gray sky above and the icy drizzle hitting the window make me shiver. Or maybe it’s the subzero temperatures in the truck. Seriously, a blast from Antarctica could probably whip through this vehicle and we wouldn’t even notice its effects.
I glance into the front seat and frown at the driver. He’s gripping the wheel with this stony, pissed-off look.
Well, it’s not like I asked him to take me. I was happy to bus back to Nolan, but do you think anyone would let me?
Asher freaking volunteered, so he really shouldn’t be looking so annoyed about it.
I cross my legs and shuffle in the back seat, feeling like some rich bitch who’s being chauffeured to college by Mommy and Daddy’s driver.
That’s probably what Asher thinks of me. That I’m a snob or something. That I look down on him like he’s my underling driver. That I’m sitting in the back of his pimped-out truck, disgusted that the seats aren’t pure leather.
But I’m not like that.
I grew up in a family of ten. The backs of our cars were filled with crumbs and candy bar wrappers and empty juice boxes, lone socks and baseball caps, the odd shoe, and three library books that were due back weeks ago.
It drove me nuts growing up in so much chaos. If anything, being in the back of Asher’s truck is luxurious… and if he weren’t so annoyed with me, I’d probably be enjoying this ride.
But I couldn’t sit in the front with him.
I barely know the guy. Like I’m gonna sit close enough that he can reach over and grope my leg or something. Forget it.
The athletes at my school are all the same—sex-crazed man-sluts who aren’t satisfied unless they’re pouring sweat on a field, court, or arena… or getting high off drugs or an orgasm. They live for cheap screws and good times.
My best friend is dating one now, and before she managed to take him off the market, the guy was Mr. One-Night Stand. I mean, I guess Casey’s okay. And Ethan and Liam are really nice guys too.
But Asher?
Ugh! He thinks he’s God’s gift to the world, and women are simply placed on this earth to service him.
Well, not me.
I cross my arms with a little huff and follow the raindrops on the glass, tracking their path from the top of the window down to the bottom.
It’s so freaking quiet in here.
It’s making me edgy, but I’m not going to break the silence. If I ask him to turn on the radio, he’ll probably huff and make me feel like the biggest pain in the ass.
Why did I agree to this?
Why could I not get over myself and stay in Denver for one more night?
But no, I had to have an internal meltdown and then a mild panic attack over an upcoming world history assignment. The thought of not spending all day tomorrow working on it is giving me conniptions, and I have to get back.
I need top marks on this. I can’t go slacking off, partying in Denver like exam season isn’t just around the corner. I’ve got a scholarship to maintain. A family to make proud.
My heart thunders as I grip the edges of my sweater and remind myself to breathe.
I should never have come to Denver in the first place. But Caroline’s been worried about me, and she won’t let up.
“How are you today?”
“You good?”