Page 52 of Inferno

I glance at Makayla, certain that she’s going to be unhappy about what she’s hearing, but that’s not what I see. She’s smiling, and her expression is serene.

“As the wife of the Valhalla Rising MC president, Makayla has the same ranking as you,” Eir explains. She must sense my confusion because she continues. “Valkyries can read thoughts. You must learn to protect those at all costs.”

“That’s definitely something Inferno left out.”

“I’m sure he did.”

“Speaking of Inferno, where is he?”

“Before I take you to him, I have a question,” Eir states.

“And I have an answer.”

I hope.

“Do you love him?”

“Yes,” I reply without hesitation.

“And do you accept your new home, your new afterlife?”

Again, I don’t even hesitate. “Yes.”

If I get to be with Inferno for eternity, sign me up. I thought for sure Josh Greene was going to be the end of me, the end of us. Turns out, he was the beginning we both needed.

“Follow us,” Makayla and Eir say simultaneously.


“You’ll see her again.”

I lunge at Odin, desperate to rip him limb from limb, but Viking grabs a hold of me and yanks me back.

“She’s dead,” I rasp. “You sent me to her, fed me a line of bullshit about soulmates, and then you let her die.”

“And you’ll see her again, Inferno,” Odin says calmly. “All will work out as it should.”

Seconds after the life burned from Josh Greene’s body, the rest of us shimmered and landed back home. I didn’t even get to make sure Emmy’s body was properly cared for. Hell, I didn’t get to make sure it was even found.

It’s been an hour since we arrived in Valhalla, and I’ve been on a rampage, shooting fire at anything in my path, and shouting to the heavens that Odin will die for what he did.

When Odin caught up with me, I fully expected him to banish me to the pits so the fact that Viking and I are standing in his quarters is a miracle in and of itself.

Though the pits would feel better than the emptiness I feel right now.

“Quit being so damn cryptic,” I bite out. “How will things work out if I can’t be wi?—”


That’s it. I’m losing my mind. I’m hearing ghosts.

“You live with nothing but ghosts,” Eir says from behind me, reminding me that my thoughts can be read.

“Oh, wow. I thought he said that out loud.”

I whirl around and drop to my knees when I see Emmy standing several feet away, Makayla and Eir on either side of her.

“She’ll get used to the whole mind-reading thing,” Makayla teases. “It’ll take a little time though.”