Page 44 of Inferno

Steph: Call me now. Emergency

“Uh, I need to make a call,” I tell Makayla, hopping to my feet. “Where’s the restroom so I can have a little privacy?”

“Down the hall on the left. Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly, grateful she isn’t pushing for more info. “I hope so.”

When I enter the bathroom, I shut and lock the door behind me. It’s not that I don’t trust the people here and more about not wanting Steph to accidentally overhear anything that might be said in the background if the guys emerge from their meeting.

I open up to my contacts list and scroll until I reach her number. Lifting the phone to my ear, I wait for her to pick up.

Only it’s not her voice on the other end of the call.

“Emmaline Daniels,” the man sneers. “I’m so glad you could make time for me.”

“Put Steph on the phone,” I demand, anger and fear surging through my system.

“Steph can’t come to the phone right now, but if you’d like to leave a message, I’ll be sure she gets it when she wakes up.” He pauses. “Or better yet, if she wakes up.”

“Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”

“I’m your friend, the one who’s been sending you love letters and that amazing gift.”

“Where’s Steph? What have you done to her?”

My panic rises, but I manage to keep my voice from cracking. I wish Inferno was here. He’d know what to do.

“I’m going to text you an address. Meet me there in thirty minutes, and this can all be put to an end.”

“I’m not meeting you anywhere.”

“Meet me, alone, or Steph dies. You don’t want to be the reason she dies, do you?”

“No, of course not.”

“Thirty minutes, Emmaline Daniels. And if you aren’t alone, everyone dies. Understood?”

The man doesn’t give me a chance to respond before he disconnects the call. Seconds later, a text comes through with an address that I recognize as being located in a very rural part of the county.

For a split-second, I consider crashing the meeting and getting Inferno, but I dismiss that thought very fast. The man said everyone would die if I’m not alone, and I believe him.

Maybe I’ll die anyway, but would that be so bad? I could be with Inferno then, right?

Mind made up, I quietly open the door and peek into the hall to make sure no one is around. Slowly, I made my way to the main room we entered when we arrived, and I slip out the front door.

I’ve never been so appreciative of my stubborn nature as I am at this moment because I have my car and don’t have to figure out how to steal a motorcycle and then ride the thing.

I know as soon as I start the engine, there’s a good chance that my getaway will be heard, but I can’t worry about that. I have to go to the address the man gave me.

It’s my turn to save someone.



“We weren’t able to track the email address.”

I slam my fist on the table, rattling Viking’s cell which is sitting in the middle on speakerphone with Trooper.