Page 43 of Inferno

Let business begin.



“Tell me everything.”

Makayla practically bounces with excitement. As soon as she closed the door behind us, she began grilling me. I haven’t been able to get a word in so far, but it seems she’s slowing down, so maybe I’ll be able to.

“I need all the tea,” she says. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a girl’s night with a real-life woman, and I miss it.”

“What about the Valkyries? You don’t talk to them?”

“Sure, I do. I mean, I’m one of them. But I was one of you for way longer.”

I sit on the bed and lean against the wall. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation and not losing my shit about it.”

Makayla laughs at me, but there’s no meanness in the lilting sound. “Trust me, I get it. It’s a lot to take in. But you’ll get used to it.”

“I know.”

And I do know. From the get-go, there’s been a part of me that was drawn to Inferno. It’s scary and exhilarating, and somehow, absolutely… right.

She gives me a knowing smile. “Good. Now, spill… all the tea.”

It crosses my mind that she and Steph would get along great, but I have no idea how that would even work or if it’s even possible.

“Not much to spill,” I respond. “Inferno carried me out of a fire when I was little. Saved me then and apparently, will save me now.”

Makayla’s brows shoot up. “Oh my Odin,” she exclaims. “I remember that fire. I was really young when it happened, but it made national news. We had fire drills every week for months when school started back up the following year.”

It saddens me to know that my trauma extended well beyond my hometown. I’ve always been so focused on what it did to me that I hadn’t considered how it affected others.

“Yep, that was because of us.”

“There was another survivor, right? A little boy?” she asks.

“Yeah. Josh Greene. Inferno rescued him too, but died when he went back in.”

“Did they ever figure out what happened? Or why the fire department wasn’t able to save anyone?”

“It was determined to be arson, but they never had a suspect. As far as the fire department…” I shrug. “There were several fires across town that day, and their resources were spread too thin. By the time other units arrived to help, it was too late.”

“Such a tragedy.” She grabs my hand and squeezes. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad Inferno got you out. You seem good for him.”

“You’ve barely seen us together,” I remind her.

“And he didn’t bitch or moan a single time during those few minutes,” she teases. “Trust me, that’s an improvement.”

“Is he that bad?”

“It’s not that he’s bad. He’s… sad, I think. Or he was. More than the others, he obsessed over his death. I’ve talked with Eir, his Valkyrie, and she’s given me some insight into the man, and he needs some happiness in his afterlife. And I think you’re the one to bring it to him.”

My heart expands at the idea. Everyone is so accepting of me, and Inferno treats me like gold. There’s no doubt in my mind that what I feel for him is love. But is it the kind of love that can withstand time and a division of worlds? Am I willing to die in order to be with him sooner?

So many questions.

My cell vibrates, and I pull it from my back pocket. I glance at the screen and see a notification for a text. I open it and read the message from Steph.