Here I am again, doing things against my better judgment because I trust him.
“Fine. You’ve got forty-eight hours.”
“We’ll have this wrapped up in twenty-four.”
“This is where you live?”
I lead Emmy inside the clubhouse. It took a little convincing, but she agreed to grabbing a few things from her place so she can stay here with me tonight. She was stubborn about driving so I followed behind her Jetta. No way was I letting her out of my sight.
“For now, yeah.”
“What do you mean, for now?”
“Welcome to the Valhalla Rising MC clubhouse,” Viking greets when we step inside, saving me from having to answer.
“Oh, um…” Emmy darts her gaze from Viking to me and back again. “You were at the restaurant, weren’t you?”
Viking grins. “I was. We all were. I’m Viking, and that’s Demo, Reaper, and Acid,” he introduces, pointing to each brother.
“It’s nice to meet all of you… officially, that is.”
“You too, doll,” Demo says from his place on the couch.
“Can I get you anything?” I ask, pressing my hand to the small of her back and urging her forward. “A drink, something to eat?”
“A glass of wine would be nice.”
“Will a shot of tequila work?” Acid ask. “We don’t have any wine.”
Emmy laughs nervously. “Yeah, that’s fine. Thank you.”
Acid pours her a shot, and then hands her a bottle of water and a beer. “Wasn’t sure which you’d prefer,” he says.
“So, Emmy Daniels,” Reaper begins. “How come you’re not freaked out by us?”
They know that I told her the truth, and they also know that Odin paid me a visit. Those weren’t things I could keep to myself.
Emmy shrugs. “I don’t know, really. I guess I just trust Inferno. And he trusts you. Ergo, I trust you.”
“The trust I get,” Reaper states. “We’ve done nothing to hurt you. But I’m not sure I understand how you’re not running for the hills knowing we’re dead.”
Again, she shrugs. “Wouldn’t Inferno just run after me? I mean, we’re soulmates, so I?—”
Demo spits out his drink and coughs. “Soulmates?” he asks and glares at me. “You never said anything about soulmates.”
“Oh, did I leave that part out?”
“You definitely did,” Viking says. “The question is why?”
I shift from foot to foot, uncomfortable with this line of questioning. “No reason. Just didn’t think it mattered to the job.”
“Wait a minute,” Emmy snaps, whirling on me. “I’m a job to you?”