I started to take a few steps backward, and I could see her body visibly relax. “Will do. Good night.”
She lifted a hand and waved. “’Night.”
Turning, I started out of the barn. Right before I turned the corner toward the door, I took one last look and found Mackenzie sitting on the barn floor with the goat and the cat, both half in her lap. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.
As I headed back to my truck, I laughed. How my body reacted to the mysterious woman surprised and thrilled me all at once. No girl had ever made me feel this way. It was something I didn’t even recognize, actually, and whatever it was, it seemed to make my steps feel lighter.
Slipping into my truck, I shut the door and stared back at the barn. “I can’t wait to get to know you a bit better, Mackenzie Reeves.”
Chapter Two
The moment he left the barn, I let out the breath I hadn’t even noticed I was holding. Placing my hand over my chest, I whispered, “My goodness.”
Pickles and Mr. Whiskers were both currently snuggled up on my lap, each trying to push the other out of the way for more space.
I’d heard that Bradly Littlewood was handsome, but I wasn’t expecting him to be that good-looking. Dark brown hair, almost black looking, and eyes that were mysteriously black. And the way he had smiled at me with those dimples, something deep inside of me yearned to come out—but I refused to let it. A man like that clearly had a girlfriend, or most likely two, and probably in every city where he rode bulls.
I rolled my eyes at that thought. Then noticed the slight pang of jealousy.
I frowned. Was that fair of me to think that? I didn’t know him, and everyone on the farm said he was a good guy, and his mother constantly talked about him in such a sweet, motherly way. She’d said he was on the shy side, actually, but he loved her and his father, and adored his sister Avery. As well as his extended family, the Shaws. I hadn’t yet met all of Bradly and Avery’s aunts, as they called themselves. Kaylee, Timberlynn, and Lincoln. The only one I’d met so far was Lincoln. She was sweet and she loved Merit like a sister, you could just tell.
My hands repeatedly ran over my two pets absentmindedly. Anytime I felt sad or scared, these two had a way of making me feel calm and at peace.
“Well, it’s late and I guess our Christmas celebration is over.” Pickles and Mr. Whiskers both glanced up at me with looks of disappointment. “I know, I know. But it’s warm and snuggly here in the barn, Pickles. You’ll be fine. As for you, Mr. Whiskers, you’re coming with me. I saw you staring at that calico earlier today. She is off limits, do you hear me?”
I swore my cat gave me a dirty look.
“Don’t look at me that way. I know you’re both fixed, but she’s too young for you.”
Mr. Whiskers stood, stretched, then slowly made his way to the steps that led up to the one-bedroom studio apartment above the garage, where I lived. As part of my salary, I lived in the apartment rent-free. It was nice not having to pay rent, because that meant I wouldn’t have to dip into my savings. I’d used a lot of my inheritance on the apartment I lived in after leaving my mother’s house. Plus, the cost of a lawyer to get the restraining order on George after he had attacked me at my own apartment. That was the other reason I ended up leaving Georgia.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” I said to Pickles as we walked over to his own private stall. Dirk and Merit were honestly too good to me. The fact that they let me have Mr. Whiskers, and then get Pickles and stable him here, without having to pay anything extra, was such a sweet gesture. These animals truly helped with my anxiety that I was still trying to learn how to control.
I shut and locked the stable door, then made my rounds. If anyone ever saw me saying good night to all the animals, they would think I was insane. But I loved them all. They were my friends, and I didn’t have to worry about them asking questions about my past, or wondering why I was feeling down. And they loved me back. It was the perfect friendship all around for each of us.
Once I’d made it up to my small apartment, I headed to the kitchen and made a hot chocolate. I loved this little apartment. It was completely different from the dark wood and black metal that made up the gorgeous barn below. I’d never been in such a beautiful barn before setting foot in this one. The apartment had hardwood floors that matched the dark wood used downstairs, but the walls and ceiling were all painted a crisp white. Once you walked in, a little kitchen was on the right, with a bar that had three stools. Just beyond was a small dining table. When you walked farther in there was a sofa, coffee table, and small entertainment area. The wood-burning stove separated the living space from the bedroom, which was closed off by a sliding barn door.
The bedroom contained a king-size bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. The bathroom was stunning and something I imagined you would see in a spa. There was a soaking tub, walk-in shower, and huge vanity with a copper sink that all just called to me. I’d taken advantage of the tub plenty of times.
I took my hot chocolate and headed to the sofa. Grabbing a blanket, I snuggled under it. Opening my Kindle, I attempted to read the book I’d started earlier that morning. It was my typical read—romance. I loved romance books and always dreamed of having a relationship like the ones I read about. The heroes were always such gentlemen, and the women they loved meant the world to them. I had so many book boyfriends, I could hardly keep count of them all.
The fact that I’d never had a real long-term boyfriend was disappointing, and something my therapist back in Atlanta had tried to help me overcome. I wasn’t afraid of intimacy, if it was with someone I wanted to be intimate with. Watching my mother slowly disappear because of my stepfather was something that I knew I would never do…and I would also never allow a man to hit me or verbally abuse me. Yet there was a wall I had up for some reason and I wasn’t sure why.
I wanted love. I longed for love. But I also wanted a best friend, someone I could share everything with. Someone I would run to with both good and bad news. I thought for sure when I left home four years ago, I’d be able to find that relationship.
Sighing, I closed my eyes. Emily had found that kind of love when she went to college in New York and met her fiancé, Doug, who was currently doing his pediatric residency. I knew I could as well. If I could just let myself feel again.
Opening my eyes, I thought about Bradly Littlewood. A strange little flutter happened in my chest, and I pressed my open Kindle against it and smiled. I knew the decision to move to Montana had been the right one from the moment I spoke with Merit on the phone about the job. And now…maybe there was another reason to celebrate my new life. And that reason happened to have adorable dimples and the darkest eyes that any woman could get lost in.
When my eyes started to close, I knew it was time to call it a night. It might have been Christmas, but I had work tomorrow, and if I didn’t get enough sleep, I’d be dragging my feet.
My phone buzzed as I stood to head to the bathroom. Picking it up, I smiled.
Emily: I can never remember what time zone you’re in in Montana. But I know it’s still Christmas there. I’m sorry this is late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS! I miss you.