“Lust?” she practically purred, running her hands over my chest. “Yes, I feel that, too. Is that normal?”


“I guess I need more practice then.”

Her eyes burned ruby red. She pushed up on tiptoe, her hand cupping the back of my head as she lifted her lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around her, one hand tangling in her long hair. My mouth took hers, my fingers fisting in her curls, holding her in the kiss. I slipped into the inbetween, taking her while I could. I knew I couldn’t keep her, but damn the old gods, I would try.

We made it back to the small stronghold on the newly formed island. We walked into the crumbling building we had been calling home. She flipped a coin, the smell of blood overriding the scent of metal. She smiled up at me and tossed it to me.

“What’s this?”

She shrugged. “A souvenir. For tonight. Something we can remember it by.”


She shook her head. “Where I am from, gifts for those you care about mean something. You helped me and keep helping me. So thanks.”

I curled my fingers tightly around the coin. A flicker of some emotion brushed against me, and the beast inside me hummed. An emotion I no longer recognized stirred to life, soothing something long broken in me.

I reached out and brushed my fingers along the silken curve of her cheek. “Okay.”

She pressed a kiss to my palm, her eyes warm. “I am going to go wash up.” She disappeared into the small bathroom. I opened my fingers and stared at the coin.

I felt the darkness near me tear.

“What are you doing?” Alistair glanced at my hands.

“What do you mean?”

“You smell like her.”

“That’s because I fucked her in an alley. Why would I not?”

“You know what I mean.”

The stench of death filled the room as Tobias appeared at my side. “You’re infatuated with her,” he sneered.

“She is a beautiful girl, yes.”

Tobias scoffed. “She is not yours.”

Rage erupted in my gut, and I slipped the coin into my pocket. “I made her. She’s mine.”

“That is not how this works. You cannot keep her. That’s not the plan. It never was. You changed her. It’s different. How much longer are you going to parade around like this? As if being stuck here isn’t important to opening the realms and going home?” Tobias snapped.

Reality slammed its way back in, and my rage eased. Alistair folded his arms but said nothing.

“I know that,” I growled, fighting not to sound defensive.

“If they find out you’d rather have your hands up her skirt than find that damn book, you’ll wish you thought with a different head.”

I felt my eyes blaze. I grabbed Tobias by the front of his shirt and lifted him, my face inches from his. “What makes you think you have any dominion over me? I am your king. Just because you have a crown means nothing to me. The only reason either of you are here is because of me. You have a job because of me, a reason because of me. You’d still be holed up in the Pit if it wasn’t for me. Do not forget who and what I am.”

Like the rest of the Kings of Yejedin, Tobias hated being outranked, but it was a truth he would accept.

“We haven’t,” Tobias said, his tone an octave lower as he dampened his temper. “But you seem to have.”

I placed him back on his feet, running my hands over the crumpled fabric of his shirt before patting his shoulders hard enough to shake him.