“Do it.” I angled the tip of her blade above my heart. “If you are truly gone, I refuse to live in a world without you, so you’ll have to angle it farther to the right. That’s where a god’s heart lies, and mine already belongs to you, so do with it what you will.”

She glared down at me, her chest heaving.

“You can’t, can you? You cannot truly hurt me.”

She growled, her arms shaking as she tightened her grip but made no other movement.

I lunged up. Dianna let out a startled squeak and withdrew the blade. My hands cupped her face, taking advantage of her parted lips to slam my mouth over hers. Her fangs nicked my lip, and I groaned at the pinch of pain. She didn’t stop, but the world did as I kissed her with every bit of longing and desire I had for her. I poured all the desperate need and love I had felt while we were apart into the kiss. I gave her everything to make her see, make her feel.

I heard her blade crash to the floor, and her hands gripped my armor, pulling me closer. The taste of her and the feel of her tongue sweeping across mine were complete bliss. She pulled back slowly, her eyes wide, dazed, and confused. Her lush lips were parted and softly swollen from my kiss, the emerald magic clinging to them.

It had worked.

She sagged in my arms, and I cradled her against me. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I got you.”

“Wha—” She stared up at me.

“I’m going to help you as I promised. Your burdens are my burdens, remember?”

Her eyes met mine, emotions swimming in their depths. Finally, I had reached her, at least for a moment. Her eyelids grew heavy, Camilla’s spell taking effect. Her heart rate decreased, sleep pulling her under. I cradled her head as it lulled, slipping my arms around her and pushing to my feet.

I stepped into the middle of the room, and the runes on the floor lit, transporting us from the building.


Dianna. The Guild in Arariel.

My head snapped back as I jolted awake. I blinked, and a white room rushed into focus. My feet rested flat on the floor, but heavy steel cuffs engraved with cobalt blue runes and thick chains kept my arms stretched above me. Alright, so I wasn’t dead then. I groaned, blinking at the bright lights as I turned my head and tilted my chin, trying to make sense of the large blurry figure in front of me. A guardian from another world? Maybe I was dead. Another blink, and my vision cleared.


I snorted, rattling the chains above me. “Bondage, huh? I don’t remember seeing this in your memories.”

“You haven’t been through all my memories, akrai, or you’d know of the four-armed beauty of Tunharan. Now that was bondage.”

A growl slipped past my lips; one I had no control over. Samkiel’s brow rose, and he didn’t try to hide his grin as he stepped closer to the ring.

“Does that bother you?”

“The only thing that bothers me is that you and your friends are still breathing.” I hissed.

“Terrible liar, Dianna. You truly are a terrible liar.”

I jerked against the chains. My limbs still felt heavy, and I was so tired. “I’ll rip your tongue from your skull.”

“Will you kiss me like that again while you do it?”

I slumped, replaying what I could recall of the last few hours. The map burning, my infinite rage, him and that damned armor, fighting, and that kiss. A kiss laced with magic.

“You poisoned me. I guess we have both changed.”

Samkiel kept his hands behind his back as he stared down at me.

“Not poison. It did not hurt. Quite the opposite, actually. It was merely a sleeping spell I had Camilla tweak. She designed it so it could only be activated by saliva, which meant you had to kiss me back for it to work.”

“I think the spell was defective because you are clearly delusional if you think I would ever kiss you again.”

“We can try again if you wish. I could send them away.” He stepped aside, revealing the familiar cerulean bars and Cameron and Xavier beyond, standing guard in their tactical gear. “Would you prefer that? Then see who kisses who first? Or they can stay if you prefer an audience?”