“Do you think he is in love?”

“After Roccurem’s little light show, how could I not?” Xavier said.

I reached forward, stealing a bite of his food.

“I don’t even know why you bother ordering food when you always eat mine,” Xavier snapped, poking my hand with his fork.

“Yours always taste better.” I grinned through a mouthful of pancakes before swallowing. “But you’re not wrong. Typical Samkiel, falling in love with the most dangerous creature in the world.”

Xavier snickered. “It makes sense. He is also one of the most dangerous beings in the universe.”

I went to respond and stopped as the curvy brown-haired waitress from earlier returned. It was the fourth time in less than thirty minutes. She smiled, her gaze lingering as I leaned forward, folding my arms on the table.

“Refill?” she asked, a wave of nervousness wafting off of her.

“No, baby. Thank you.”

Her cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. She looked at Xavier, but he only shook his head and smiled.

“Umm.” She paused and glanced back toward the large window of the cafe before continuing. “Is it true you two are members of The Hand?”

I placed a hand underneath my chin and smiled. Her throat bobbed, and a bead of sweat touched the side of her face. She was nervous but brave enough to ask.

“And what makes you think we are?” I asked as Xavier shifted in his seat.

She shot another quick look toward the cafe, curling a piece of loose hair that had escaped her ponytail around her finger. “We… I mean, I saw on the news the falling blue lights, and I’ve seen… Samkiel.” Her blush deepened as she said his name. Xavier snickered as he caught it, too. We had grown so used to how everyone reacted around him. He had a unique effect on women, men, and apparently fire-wielding Ig’Morruthens.

A slow smile curved my lips. “Oh, you like him? You know he is not the only one with powers?” I lifted my hand, the blue celestial light dancing between my fingertips.

“We are good on refills, miss,” Xavier said, drawing her eyes back to him. She nodded once, clutching the pitcher she held. She took one last glance at the flicker of blue power before heading back inside.

My eyes followed her as she left, the other three waitresses scattering as I caught them staring.

“Leave the mortals alone, Cam.”

“But they blush so easily.” Not that Xavier cared. He was more interested in men.

“You just love to tease them.”

I winked at him. “Maybe.”

Xavier stabbed at another piece of fruit. “Do you feel it too?”

I smiled at the group of whispering waitresses inside. “Oh, I feel something.”


Xavier’s tone grounded me, and I grinned at him. The intricately woven metal chair groaned as he shifted his weight, just a bit too small to support him fully. “I’m being serious.”

This whole world seemed too small for us. Samkiel was right about the clothes, too.

“Yes, I feel it. It reminds me of the Battle of Gurruth with that damned giant wyrm that swallowed the whole town and then almost ate us, except now we’re just waiting for those jaws to open, and they haven’t yet.” I curved my fingers like teeth and clapped my hands together, snapping like jaws close to his face.

Xavier laughed, swatting my hands away. “Well, let’s hope we won’t be swallowed.”

“Why?” I shrugged. “That’s always the fun part.”

Xavier shook his head, ignoring me. “Did Samkiel tell you what they discussed at the council meeting?”