I froze as he turned toward me and tilted his head. The long blond mohawk ponytail spilled down his back. Had he sensed the Ig’Morruthen beneath my skin? Had he smelled me? That was his trick. He had a highly developed sense of smell. A tracker, Samkiel had said, but I suspected more of a hunter. My wings stretched, playing into the species I wore as if I didn’t understand a thing he said.

“Talking to birds now?” Another man approached, his voice deeper.

A smile formed on Cameron’s lips as he looked over his shoulder. The man that approached had his hands clasped behind his back. His garbs matched Cameron’s, and he wore his dreads in twin locks that draped across his shoulders. I recognized this man as well. Xavier. My heart sped up. I could take them. Of course, I could, but not here, not now. I came here for a reason and was hoping to sneak in and out.

Cameron grinned and nodded once at me. “I think our little bird here is lost.”

“Oh?” Xavier came closer, leaning against the railing on the opposite side of me. I didn’t move or fly away, afraid that if I did, it would give away who and what I was. I needed to be in the center of the room for what I came to do. Fighting them would take too much of my time and alert Samkiel. I saw how animals reacted to the celestials. They seemed to enjoy their presence, so I remained calm. “Or you are avoiding another council meeting.”

Cameron snorted. “Fair, but I tire of Elianna and Leviathan practically jerking each other off over what’s the next power move.”

“They are just concerned,” Xavier said but chuckled at Cameron’s words. “Besides, Samkiel was a little peculiar on his last visit. So maybe there is cause for concern. Especially considering Gregory’s demise.”

Cameron tapped his fingers on his chin. “I liked Gregory.”

“No, you didn’t. You liked to annoy him.”

Cameron smiled, reminding me of a mischievous little boy. “Still, if something on Onuna is happening and celestials are dying, why hasn’t he called us back?”

Xavier shrugged and looked out into the forest. “I trust Samkiel. If there were a threat, a real one, he would call us.”

“Or he hates us.”

Xavier laughed. “If he hates anyone, it’s definitely you.”

“Me! It would be you. Remember the broadsword you lost?”

Xavier snorted, and they continued to quip. I focused again on the council room, where Leviathan and Elianna still argued. I hopped a few inches on the balcony and flapped as if stretching my small wings.

“How much you want to bet they fuck after this?” Cameron rubbed his hands together and chuckled, the sound rumbling in his broad chest.

Xavier laughed once more, this time the sound deep and rich. “Elianna fucking anyone is asking for rain on Gouldurim.” Xavier paused. “Fifty gold coins, at least.”

Cameron’s answering smile lit up his face. “You have a bet.” He focused on me again, placing a hand underneath his chin, his silver rings glistening in the sunlight. “Now you, little bird. Have you lost your flock? Where is your family?”


The word screamed inside me, but I only chirped in response.

“Seriously?” a feminine voice snapped from behind them, pure blue eyes glaring at the two of them. “Both of you?”

Cameron and Xavier stood straight as if she had caught them doing something they shouldn’t.

She’d swept her blond hair back, revealing her perfect face. She wore the same garbs as the council members, but hers were cut at the sides to reveal the elegant lines of her torso. Her skin shone as if she were born from light itself. She was leaner than in Samkiel’s dreams but still curvy and one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen.

“Honestly, are you really surprised, Imogen?” Cameron sighed, waving toward the throne room. “I was bored after the first ten minutes.”

“It doesn’t matter. We’re The Hand. We stay, we watch, we listen, you know this. And you,” her voice turned sharp as she looked toward Xavier, “can’t you keep him in line for one meeting?”

Xavier grinned. “My apologies. I’ll try harder next time.”

Cameron shot him a look of pure mischief. “Please, he encourages me.”

They laughed and Imogen rolled her eyes. I spread my wings, heading back into the sky. Unable to be there any longer. My stomach rolled. They were happy and joking. They were a family, and I envied them so very damn much. Their world kept spinning as if mine hadn’t stopped at all.

“Ah damn, Imogen. You scared my little bird away.” I heard Cameron say as I circled the building, heading toward the treeline.

* * *