“Where is his hideout? Besides Novas? Another location he would frequent.”

“I don’t know, man. We, us mortals, were never that close to him. Only those in his close circle have any information. Dianna might know, but she is cleaning house.”

I was growing more and more frustrated by the second. We had nothing. I was a step behind her, and I was so afraid that it would be too late by the time I caught up. How could Kaden hide so well? How could she? I had every known resource in this realm looking, yet we had nothing. The lights flickered in the room, machines beeping, and alarms blaring as a bit of my frustration and power seeped out. Vincent and Logan glanced at me but said nothing.

“You will be taken into custody for your crimes against the Etherworld. Your stay will be as long as it needs to be before you are judged by The Council of Hadrameil.”

He chuckled and gazed out the large window of his room, watching the snow swirl in the chill wind. We were high enough here that you could see the mountains in the distance.

“Eh, I’ve lived a long life and done things I wish I hadn’t, but at least, judgment or not, I’ll see Evelyn again.” He looked at me, a strange look crossing his features. “You asked me why she stopped. She didn’t. The picture of my wife made her pause, and I might have gotten fewer bruises had I not opened my mouth. Evelyn always said I talked too much.”


Edgar coughed once more. “She went on a rampage in that warehouse, but I saw it. She had that same damned look I’ve seen so many times in the mirror. I figured out why, and I might have thrown it in her face, but I knew I was going to die, anyway.”

Every muscle in my body tensed, instinctively seeking to protect her, even though I knew she did not need it. Logan shifted closer, placing a hand on my shoulder. “What did you say to her?”

“I just told her the truth. I told her that the reason she is really mad is you.”


Edgar’s smile made his eyes crinkle as if my reaction alone told him everything he had wished to know. “Yup. Even monsters love something.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but a loud boom raked through the sky, the crescendo shaking the hospital. The lights flickered off, then came back on with a low hum. Vincent looked at me, but I shook my head. It was not me. My heart began to race as Logan, Vincent, and I strode to the window.

The neighboring buildings went dark, the entire power grid shutting down for miles, but it was the three iridescent cobalt lights racing toward Silver City that gave me pause. They burst through the atmosphere with such force it shook the world.

I spun toward Vincent, my voice booming. “You called them!”

Vincent took a step back, his eyes widening as he held his hands palms out. Logan flanked my side.

“No, no, I didn’t. I swear it.”

He had to be lying because I had not summoned them, but The Hand had returned.


Dianna. Eight Hours Earlier. The Remains of Rashearim.

The wind caressed the thin black feathers of my wings as I circled the large, sharp-tipped building on the remains of Rashearim. I blended in with a small flock, watching several blue-tattooed celestials walk in and out of the massive structure. The sun reflected off its glass-like panels. A golden paved bridge connected it to the large nearby city, a thick clear river running beneath it. Large, lush trees towered over the structure, aiding me in my efforts to stay concealed. Camila had helped cloak me, but I was nervous her magic wouldn’t reach this far. It was fine, though. I didn’t need to be here long, just enough time to take a few things.

I circled once more, darting away from the flock and heading toward the top of the building. It was the same one Samkiel had taken me to the first time we had visited. I saw a couple of figures move from the racks of books and back out of sight. I slowed my descent and landed on the balcony railing before hopping closer to the open doorway.

“There has been no word from Samkiel, so we will not act,” a gorgeous redhead said, clasping her hands together, the blue tattooed lines running over her skin only enhancing her features. Her red hair tumbled past her shoulders, practically glowing against her alabaster skin. She turned, the long silk white gown trailing after her as another spoke.

“The world shook. He summoned Oblivion, and yet we have heard nothing of it? Imogen spoke of her concern, yet we waited as always.” I hopped a little closer to see who spoke, careful not to give myself away. The man sighed as he stood from the large carved marble table in the middle of the room. He was tall, lean, and had a nose that took up most of his face, but it didn’t look bad on him. No lines glowed over his features, so he wasn’t a celestial. He wore the same white and gold garbs as the others. “Regardless, it is better to be prepared for what may come than be left waiting once more.”

“I understand your unrest, Leviathan, but we are no longer on the brink of war. The realms are sealed and will remain that way as long as he breathes. The gods and creatures from our past are long dead. If Samkiel summoned Oblivion, that means he erased the threat,” the redhead said.

This must be the Council of Hadrameil.

“You have a fool’s heart and head, Elianna,” Leviathan said.

Elianna, huh? I ruffled my feathers, playing the part of the bird as I kept an eye on the room. The two other members here, a female with short hair and a male with inky dark hair, both celestials, watched Leviathan and Elianna’s exchange. I hopped a step closer right as a large figure stepped in front of me, blocking my view. I craned my head as the blond celestial I had met when I came here with Samkiel leaned against the balcony. He wore the same black and gold suit The Hand wore, with the interlacing gold buttons and tassels. It fit him like a glove, outlining every powerful lean muscle.

“Lost, little bird?”

Cameron. That was his name.